Chapter 3-Diagon alley

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"miss Y/n, wake up" Rosey whispers as she gently shakes the bed

I roll over, eyes half open trying to see what's going on.

"yes Rosey" I ask 

"Your father wants you up and dressed, he says you'll leave in an hour" Rosey explains 

"Thanks Rosey" I sigh and Rosey Disappears 

I get up from the bed not bothering to make it again, since I know Rosey will make it and leave my new letters there for me. 

I take a quick shower and get dressed for the day of shopping. My father has a standard we all have to try and live up to, which includes the way we dress in public. All that means is we usually dress very formal. I add some quick make up and I am finished.

I walk downstairs to the living room and wait for everyone else to arrive. Shortly after Amelia arrives looking very tired.

"You good" I ask 

"Father kept me up last night asking about preparations for the party" Amelia mumbles 

"Yea, I remember when he did that to me" I say 

"It was actually one of the only times he wasn't criticizing me for what I like and such" I add 

I smile fondly at the memory. 

"Bonne matin" Our mum says as she glides down the stairs 

"Morning, Mum" We both say at the same time 

"You both ready to go" Our mom asks 

I nod in response and Amelia smiles.

Our father struts down the stairs fiddling around with his tie.

"Bonne matin chère" Our mother greets our father with a kiss on the cheek

She fixes his tie as he kisses her on the forehead

"Everyone ready" Father asks 

"Yes" We all say 

Father is the first one to use the floor powder, followed by mum then me and finally Amelia.

We all appear in Diagon alley, Father already walking towards the clothing shops.

I wait for Amelia to appear, once she dose I grab her hand and rush to catch up with our parents.We slow down once we are a few steps behind them. 

A lot pf people begin to look at us, since this is something that dose't happen often and the last time we did this was when I got into Hogwarts which will now be 5 years ago. Amelia looks around curiously, the last time she came her she was 7 and didn't find any of this very enjoyable.

"Y/n dear" mum says 

"Yes" I answer

"Aren't those your friends" She asks pointing towards the bookshop where Draco, Blaise and Theodore stood.

"Uh, yes they are" I say 

"Seems you've been keeping good company then" My father says 

Slowly my father begins to make his way over to them.

"Mr.Malfoy, Mr.Zabini, and Mr.Nott" My father greets 

I internally cringe at the way he greets people.

"Greetings Mr.L/n, Mrs.L/n " the boys say almost in unison 

"Back to school shopping boys?" My mother asks 

"Yes, ma'am" Blaise says 

"Would you three like to join us" Mum offers 

"We would love to" Draco says 

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