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Hi! This I abt Autism! As you can see-
Well, my parents,friends, 2nd daughter has autism soo..yeah! (technically not my baby cousin.. But whatever Trevor)

Autism ( AW-tiz-um) spectrum disorder is a difference in the way a kid's brain develops. Kids with autism may have trouble understanding the world around them.

Some kids might have trouble with:

talking and learning the meaning of words

making friends or fitting in

dealing with changes (like trying new foods, having a substitute teacher, or having toys moved from their normal places)

dealing with loud noises, bright lights, or crowds

buut, some don't. And that is okay
Some people are high functioning while others are not.

People are born with it. Doctors can't say that you got it from an accident or anything, they're just born with it.
And you are unique in your own special way.
You are AMAZING!!
Don't forget that!❤❤❤



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