+ Four (Final)

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"So this is the 'something' you got caught up doing?" Lilith asks, prodding Jennie's chin up condescendingly. There was sadly little Jennie could do to hide the hickey in the rushed minutes after hanging up with Mary, changing into workout gear, and hustling over to meet their two teammates.

Jennie has to try very hard not to snap her teeth at Lilith's fingers like a peeved terrier. She appreciates neither the tone nor being appraised like a bruised peach in the produce bin.

"Embarrassing." She curls her lip at Lisa over her shoulder. Jennie will never understand their friendship–equal parts antagonistic and weirdly loyal, like only two competitive as hell found-sisters could be.

For her part, Lisa barely even looks at Lilith. Just busies herself re-tying and straightening the knots in her running shoes. "I'd thank you to unhand my girlfriend, Lilith," she says boredly.

Thankfully, Lilith releases her rough hold. But only after first sneering at the two of them. "If you'd have been kind enough to do the same earlier, Lisa, we wouldn't be running late right now, would we?"

Jennie, making a dramatic show of rubbing her chin and flexing her jaw, hops back into the fray. "You know, Lilith," she says, bouncing on her toes, doing a few high knees, too, for good measure now that she isn't being held captive and is free to warm up. "Just because you haven't sealed the deal with Carla doesn't mean you have to take your frustration out on Lisa and me."

"Lisa and I," the mentioned girl corrects placidly.

"What she said," Jennie amends.

"And you know, Jennie," Mary says, voice bored as she checks her phone, "Just because you hoodwinked Lisa into being your girlfriend, doesn't mean you have to dole out relationship advice like some newspaper column."

"Especially over things you know nothing about," Lilith bites out through clenched teeth, the lines of her face looking especially forbidding.

"You know, I could give you some tips," Jennie grins especially annoyingly, bouncing just close enough to Lilith to poke at her side. She may not understand them, but she one hundo has a lock on her own dynamic with the taller girl. Lilith makes playing the annoying little sister so easy. It's something about the vessel in her forehead and the stick up her ass.

When Lilith moves to backhand Jennie, Lisa, with a quick, efficient tug to the back of Jennie's shirt, pulls her easily out of harm's way. There's murder in Lilith's eyes as she moves to follow. Lisa steps smoothly in between them. "Perhaps we should begin?"

"Perhaps," Mary agrees mockingly. She presses something on her phone before taking off down the path without waiting for the rest of them. "I came out here to run, not sit front row to the world's most boring episode of Jerry Springer," she tosses over her shoulder.

Entertaining banter aside, the run is hell. Jennie can handle Lilith roasting her, can dish it out just as easily as she gets it (with pizzazz to boot, she'd like to believe), but the real torture comes in the form of her own girlfriend.

Every time she chances a glance at Lisa, legs and arms pumping in easy perfect rhythm, face flushed from exercise, sweat dampening her hairline, Jennie is right back in that classroom. It's a wonder there's any blood to pump to her heart for this aerobic activity. She is certain 90% of it has rushed straight to between her legs.

Every step she takes, her thighs brush, and a little zing of want races through her.

5k has never taken so long.


"Are you kidding me?"

"What?" Lisa leans deeper into her stretch, forehead practically touching her knees, showcasing the curve of her ass.

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