Finally home, but no break. Pt.3

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[A/N- long cheaper sorry! Over 3 thousand words! 🥲 I think this is my longest yet! P.S. that is my art at the top! Feminine Sasuke having a mental breakdown!]

3ed POV-

Itachi lay there, completely limp. He felt like his body didn't belong to him anymore. He didn't sleep at all through that night. Instead Itachi just stared out of the window at the sky until no more stars could be seen. It wasn't until his alarm buzzed that, with much struggle, he forced his body to move. Dragging his limbs behind him, Itachi wrapped a blanket around himself and went down the hall to the bathroom. He barely made it there and had to use the wall as support for his trembling legs. Everything hurt. He hated it. He hated all of this! He hated that it felt like he had cheated on Kurama! He hated that he had cum to it! He hated the way his body felt! But there was nothing he could do. So Itachi simply forgot his emotions for a little while. It was easier that way. You can't get hurt if you just don't feel.
As he reached the bathroom Itachi closed and locked the door, it was one of the only rooms in the house he could still lock. Dropping the blanket Itachi looked himself over carefully. Itachi's neck was bruised, as was his forehead, and hickeys covered his body. His hair was messy and sticky fluids dripped down his legs. It was disgusting.

In a moments flash he felt as if he couldn't breathe. Hands wrapped around him, choking him. He looked down at himself but there was nothing there. As Itachi looked up into the mirror he saw him. Fugaku standing behind him, with his hands around Itachi's throat. Itachi screamed and spun around, backing away till his hips hit the sink. But he was alone! No one was in the bathroom with him. He turned frantically around to look back in the mirror and again the bathroom was empty. He was alone. Sweat dripped down the side of his face and off his chin. He used the counter for support as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Was he going crazy?! He swore he felt those hands. He felt them for real! He saw him too! He was standing right behind him! There was no way! Was he really going crazy?!

The voice yelled from down stairs.
"Where's breakfast!"
The sound of that same voice screaming in his ears still rung. He trembled and moved his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. His voice was caught in his throat.
The voice sounded again, this time coming up the stairs. Then it was at the door. He bagged on it several times, shaking the hinges.
"Itachi you answer when I call you! Do you understand me!"

"Y-y-yes sir."
Itachi forced the sound from his aching throat.

"Now get down here and make some breakfast!"

"Y-yes sir."
He said again. The loud foot steps quickly disappeared down the stairs again. Just as Itachi heard them fade from earshot he lunged over the toilet and threw up food he hadn't even eaten. He collapsed beside it as his body trembled uncontrollably.

But he couldn't stay here forever. He forced himself up. He didn't bother showering, he hadn't in a week or so. He wasn't sure why he started hating them so much. He guessed he just didn't like getting naked in this house. It was always dangerous to do so. After whipping himself down he put on his police uniform with a turtleneck shirt underneath, to hide the bruises on his neck.
He got down stairs to a very unhappy Fugaku making himself coffee. Neither one said anything to each other, which wasn't unnatural of the two. They rarely ever talked and when they did it was mostly just Fugaku screaming. Itachi made his father a large plate of food with a cold beer, and placed it on the table. The man sat and ate without so much as a "thank you". Itachi sat across from him with nothing, he simply watched his father eat, longing for the food. As Fugaku was almost finished with his plate, he grunted thumping down his empty bottle.
He asked as he looked up very annoyed at his sons staring.

I hate what I see in the mirror Where stories live. Discover now