Before you Read

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Hey, guys! I actually wrote this a long time ago, during one of my many spells of writers block. I posted Self Aware on Fanfiction, and it was a huge hit, so I thought I would try it out here. Plus, it seems like a lot of you guys were pretty interested when I mentioned it in an authors note on WWC, so I hope I don't disappoint.

This was originally supposed to be a simple one shot, but then the plot bunnies attacked, and it turned into four parts. Then, when I thought I was in the clear, the bunnies came back for revenge, and turned my simple four part story into a two part, eight chapter fic.

I'm waiting for them to return a third time for an epilogue after the epilogue.

Anyway, this is the only authors note throughout the entire story (unless the plot bunnies sneak up on me and I add more), so if you have any questions, shoot me a message.

Please comment and vote, and if you want more DP fanfiction, mums the word. I have... five fanfictions already planned out? One of which is already posted on fanfiction and complete?

In case you haven't noticed, I've been on a DP fix as of late.

Warning: Angst, angst, and angst. Also, death.

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