31: Graduation

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It wasn't supposed to be a spectacle, but in the end, there wasn't a choice. The battle between Hikari Shimura and Shouta Uchiha had become a village event. It wasn't a surprise, considering who their teachers were. Everyone wanted to know what the students of Sakura Nara, Madara Uchiha, and Tobirama Senju could do. Not only did Hikari and Shouta have their own reputations to worry about, and their clans, but they also carried the weight of their teacher's reputations, and it was heavier than either of them realised. 

The shinobi of Konoha were buzzing with excitement. Such events were rare and interesting. Bets were placed, gossip flew and spread and in the midst of it all, Sakura was more stressed than she'd ever been before. Both Tobirama and Madara had assured her that the battle would be intense, and all she could think about were the injuries the two would sustain.

"Oh, Sakura, you're acting like a fussy mother," Mito teased.

Sakura peeked at her from behind her hands covering her face, a sheepish smile on her face.

"They'll be fine," Mito assured her.

"I know," Sakura sighed, sitting up and resting her hands on her lap. "I'm just worried."

Sakura and Mito were sitting beside the chosen field of battle - the same arena Sakura and Tobirama had fought in two years earlier. The plans for constructing the arena were still being finalised, so a grassy field with Hashirama's wooden benches for spectators and a protective barrier for the crowd was in place instead.

"Hashirama tells me this will be an exciting match," Mito said. "He's observed both of them training and is very pleased with their progress."

"Considering the amount of bruising and fracture's I've had to repair, he'd better be right," Sakura muttered.

Mito laughed lightly. "They're competitive. They've taken after you."

"I don't know if that's a good thing," Sakura replied wryly. "Both of them will hate that there's such a big crowd watching though."

Sakura looked around them nervously. Shinobi and civilian filled the area. It seemed as if everyone who wasn't on duty or away on a mission had shown up to witness the spectacle.

"Let's hope it will motivate them to push harder than ever before," Mito said.

"Where's Hashirama?" Sakura asked.

"I believe he's giving the two a pep talk of sorts," Mito said shaking her head.

Sakura grimaced and Mito nodded in agreement.

"I can only hope they'll forgive him for whatever nonsense he says. Truly, my husband is wonderful, but he has his moments."

Sakura grinned.

"Oh - here comes Matsuri and Asami," Mito said.

Sakura turned and saw a reluctant looking Asami practically being dragged by Matsuri towards them. Yuri followed on behind with a fond smile on his face.

"Mito, please tell Asami she's welcome to sit here," Matsuri said by way of greeting, shaking her head. "She's acting like these seats are for extraordinary people or something."

Mito laughed. "Asami, you are our friend. Please, don't feel uncomfortable and sit with us."

Asami's face burned red. "I'm sorry, it's just - you all have a higher status than I do."

"Oh please," Matsuri rolled her eyes. "You're just looking for an excuse to hide because you got shy when Haru complimented you."

Asami's face went scarlet. "I'm not!" She denied.

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