F o u r

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'Breaking News! Two bodies were discovered from an abandoned warehouse just this morning. According to the police, the corpses seem to be one to two days old with signs of extreme torture. They claim they are thoroughly investigating this case and hope that soon the culprit will be caught.'

A shiver runs down my spine as I look at the news playing on the tv. It's them.

I quickly take the remote and shut it off. I place both my palms on my head, pushing back the memories of that day but still ending up reliving it.

Guilt engulfs me again and I look at my phone. I have the evidence. Even if the faces of those killers weren't visible properly, it can still help the police a lot.

I'm such a coward. Instead of stepping forward to avenge the death of those two poor victims, I am being selfish and thinking about my own safety. The thought makes me hate myself more than ever.

My phone pings.

are you okay insha?

insha, don't forget we are all with you

don't you dare blame urself for that insha, i know you

I sigh. The guilt just wouldn't leave me alone.

guys, i'm fine

like heck you are
don't lie to us insha, we're your best friends

you can stay home today, no need to come to class if you aren't feeling well

yeah layla is right
we'll drop by after school

no no guys, I'm coming
if i stay home, I'll keep thinking about it
catch y'all later

With a heavy heart, I quickly get ready, wearing whatever my hands touched.

Arriving at the college, I slowly walk to my lockers. The hallway is silent and I groan in irritation after realising that I may be late to class. Just great.

As soon as I close my locker shut, I let out a shriek and move back, with my heart in my hand.

"What the hell!" I say angrily to the guy whose face was inches away.

He smiles, mischievously. "Sorry for scaring you. That was absolutely my intention." He replies in a playful tone.

I scowl. Normally, I'm a very calm person, but this human right here makes me get so riled up that I wanna punch him. "What do you want?"

Something dark swirls in his eyes. He walks closer to me and I step back. "I would tell you, but you won't like it. Should I?" He asks with a half smile.

I push him away. "What is seriously wrong with you?"

He chuckles, which gave me an unsettling feeling. "Too many things to count."

I don't respond to that, instead, I ask, "Why are you even here? Don't you have a class to attend?"

I start walking and he joins me.

"I had some work to do so I got late."

I shrug and continue down the hall.

A Game Of Obsession and TrustWhere stories live. Discover now