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"May I suggest you remain here until a solution can be found?" Elijah spoke. "I don't suppose Ms. Forbes will last long without you."

"I can't stay here and babysit!" Klaus paced the dorm. "I have a war to win."

"You wanna take her with you?" Stefan asked.

"To a war zone? Please."

"I know how you can be two places at once!" The doppelganger suggested, smirking at Klaus at the tables being turned.

Klaus vamped his eyes at the baby vamp, but Damon towered behind her. The hybrid brushed it off, pressed with more important matters. "Fine. You can bag me to last a while," he turned to Bonnie. "While you come up with a more permanent way to solve this problem."

The Originals sped off, leaving the Mystic gang in the dorm.

"God, I hate witches!" Damon sighed. "That are not Bon Bon."

"Is this war so important to you?" Elijah asked as he followed Klaus back to their Mystic Falls residence.

"It is New Orleans, Elijah. It is our home," Klaus stressed.

"So is Mystic Falls! Why not stay here, with her?"

"No!" Klaus yelled. "Mystic Falls was your home. It was never mine," he growled, reminding Elijah of his father's mistreatment.

"And New Orleans..."

"New Orleans is mine! I built it! We, built it. And if it hadn't been for that traitor, we would still be its rulers!"

"And you would never have met Caroline," Elijah pointed out.

Klaus faced his brother speechless.

"Perhaps some bad times must be faced, to get to where we need to be."

"And where is it that I need to be? With Caroline? Do you think she is my redemption? Need I remind you she is currently suffering the consequences of my affection. I am not a bringer of peace, brother. I am wrath. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go be a blood bag," Klaus left Elijah and went back to the dorm.

Klaus opened the door to let himself in, and was met by Caroline. The hybrid's baby mama stepped closer and slapped him across the face. When he recovered from the impact, Caroline threw herself into his arms.

"I'm so sorry you're involved in this, Caroline," Klaus hugged her, holding her reassuringly. "I promise I'll leave no stone unturned to fix this."

"I know, I know. We'll figure it out together," she assured him, and lead him into the dorm. "That's why I'm coming with you."

"Beg your pardon?" Elijah interrupted as he joined them.

"That's not an option..." Klaus began, but Caroline interrupted him.

"Actually, that's not up to you... or me," Caroline continued when he motioned to argue, "I think its the baby!"

"The baby?" Damon echoed in question.

"Yeah!" Caroline exclaimed, kind of excitedly. "Unless my mind is telling me I want to be close to my mom..."

"The baby's communicating with you?" Elena asked.

"Werewolves don't have telepathy," Stefan voiced.

"No. It's more likely a witch thing if anything," Bonnie confirmed.

"Our mother was a witch," Elijah reminded them.

"As we all know..." Elena added sarcastically.

"So, the baby's got some latent witch abilities."

"A tribrid," Klaus said to himself aloud.

"Which could be why the child is so important to the witches," Elijah figured.

"If that thing's a tribrid," Damon realised, "then witches aren't the only ones with a stake."

Klaus stood up determinedly. "It's settled then: you'll stay here."

Caroline slapped him again, but seemed to instantly regret her actions. "Oh, my god! I'm so sorry! It wasn't me!"

Damon rolled his eyes. "Anyway, she can't stay here."

"And why not?" Elijah pressed.

"The Augustines are up and at it again," Damon revealed information familiar to a limited audience in the room.

"What's the Augustines?" Elena asked, but Elijah stepped in.

"Besides the venom, Caroline can handle herself fine. And it will be a hell of a task to get through the Originals protecting her. She'll come with us."

Klaus threw his hands up. In regards to this topic, he'd been getting vetoed for the past two days. Which made him even more desperate to go back to what he was good at.

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