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I slam the book closed as the words on the pages that jump out to me begin to feel like they're over powering me, smothering me, drowning me. My mind was racing, my heart thumping at a quick pace in my chest, and my breath kept getting stuck in my throat.

Lycan beasts

Ancient creatures 

Half man and half Lycanthrope beast

Lived in peace with the humans for two hundred years now

Believed to be too powerful

Large animalistic beasts, claws, snout, K-9's, pointed ears, animal skin, fur,  elongated (for the male) genitalia, tail

Twice the size of their human form 

Strength, speed, hearing heightened 


Gift of a perfect match for each Lycan

Scent and touch identify their mate, a scent so alluring that it will be the best scent a mate will ever smell, and a touch filled with tingles and electricity that always feels as if it's the first time. 

Scent of their mate

I felt overwhelmed with the words swirling around inside my mind. This cannot be true can it? Was Claudius really telling the truth about me being his mate? I can smell him, and I can feel that rush of electricity when he touches me.

I rake my hands over my face in frustration before reaching over to grab the cellphone I'd placed on the table when I'd come out here. I was hesitating, nervous to reach out to the man I'd been running from.

I have questions.


Short, simple, direct. Best not to show him how much this is affecting me already. His answer comes less than a minute later. 

Do you want to ask over the phone or will you let me come see you and we can sort this all out in person?

Do I want him to come here, to see him in person? Perhaps seeing him in person will be the only way to know for sure if it's all true. 

I close my eyes and take several deep breaths, his scent from the shirt wafts up into my nose and relaxes me somewhat. Why is this happening? Why me? I suppose that question would be better suited for Claudius.

That's fine.

Claudius' response came almost instantaneously again.

I'll be there in 20.

Twenty minutes? But isn't he over an hour away?

I need to change my shirt, I can't let him see me like this in his shirt. I stand up, and turn to head back into the suite, catching a glimpse of someone in the next suite over heading back into their room too from their own balcony.

Inside change into a loose blouse of mine and stash his shirt under my pillow for later. I check my appearance in the bathroom, nervously. Anxiety riddles me as I wait for Claudius' impending arrival.

Before I know it a knock is coming to the door of the suite.

I look through the peephole to see Claudius waiting on the other side of the door. I slowly pulled the door open and now I could see him fully, donning a well tailored suit that hugged him in all the right places.

Claudius looks calm, and shows no hint of emotion to reveal how he's feeling about me asking him to come here.

I step back and hold the door open for him, giving Claudius enough space to enter.

Claudius waits a beat as his eyes rake over me, was he expecting me to change my mind? He steps into the suite and brushes past me, which I suspect is on purpose since I'd give him enough room to get by me without the need of touching me, and yet I am also grateful since the small contact had settled my nerves.

I close the door and turn to follow Claudius to find him towering over the coffee table with his back to me.

"You haven't eaten your breakfast." Claudius grumbles, clearly displeased.

What? I step to stand beside him and see a range of breakfast items splayed out on the coffee table. Huh, I hadn't noticed anyone bringing the food in nor have I noticed it until now. Had I been so caught up in that book that I became oblivious to my surroundings to this point? I sigh. 'I didn't know any food had come, I hadn't ordered anything.'

"I ordered for you." Claudius tells me gruffly. "Sit down and eat." He commands.

I shake my head firmly. 'I need answers first.' I sign, hating for the first time that sign language means you can't sense the tone in someones voice, so Claudius wouldn't be able to tell that I was saying it in a firm tone.

Claudius sighs and his large hand comes to the small of my back, the shock of the touch causing me to jump slightly, but I quickly relax again as his warm spreads through me. "I'll answer all the questions in the world, but only if you eat while I do so." Claudius bargains with me.

I sigh and reluctantly nod my head, but how can I possibly stomach food with our impending conversation looming over me?

Claudius uses the hand on my back to guide me over to the sofa where we sit next to each other somewhat awkwardly. He picks up the orange juice, taking a sip before handing it over to me. "Drink something first, you need to stay hydrated." He tells me in a firm tone.

My skin brushes against his as I take the glass from him, electricity shooting through me. I take a few large sips of the juice to find that I am in fact quite parched. As I set the half empty glass down on the table again, Claudius hands me a freshly baked croissant that he's just filled with ham, cream cheese spread, and tomato slices; my mouth is watering at the sight of it. 

"Eat, Rosalie." Claudius commands gruffly. "I won't tell you again."

I give a small nod and take a couple of bites of the delicious croissant sandwich and my eyes roll back in pleasure. When it's finished I turn my attention to Claudius who is watching all my movements very closely.

He sighs and gives a small nod. "You have questions?" Claudius asks to prompt me.

'I do.' I confirm. 'Those extra books you, or Elliot, put in my bag...'

"They're real, not works of fiction." Claudius cuts me off and answers my question as if he'd prepared for me to ask that one.

I gulp and nod. 

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