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Three soft knocks came to the front door. I quickly rush out with my bag to answer the door before it woke Darren, greeting Elliot with a smile.

"Good morning." Elliot chimes happily as he hands me a thermos mug. "Your favourite." She shoots me a wink as I open the lid to get a powerful waft of hot chocolate hit my face.

I smiled my thanks to him before pulling him into a one armed hug while being careful with the hand holding the hot chocolate.

Elliot hugs me back, giving me a light squeeze. "Are you ready?" He asks.

I pull out of the hug to point down at my socked feet.

Elliot takes the thermos back from me before gently pushing me in the direction of the shoe rack. "Quickly then, missy."

I sit on the wooden floor to pull on my black canvas shoes. When I stand up again Elliot is holding my oversized forest green winter coat, I place my bag on the hall table next to where Elliot had put the thermos before allowing Elliot to help me into my coat, he always insists on helping me into it whenever the weather is bad.

Elliot turns me to face him as he insists on doing up the zipper and buttons himself. "There we are, nice and snug." He smiles.

I wear my bag on my shoulder before taking my thermos and keys into my hands. We step out onto the front porch where I lock the front door before storing my keys in my coat pocket. As we walk down the path from the house to the sidewalk I see Claudius standing on the front steps of Elliot's house watching us with a tight expression. I shake off the feeling his stare is giving me and ignore the thoughts of him that come into my mind.

Elliot and I walk the three blocks to the local library where we both work. The weather wasn't too bad so we only got a little wet, it only started chucking it down once we were safely inside the library. 

We had entered through the staff entrance which took us to the staff room, from there we went to the hall and headed down towards our lockers where I stored my bag and coat. 

I hung my swipe card around my neck off its lanyard.

"Rose." Elliot called softly.

I looked up at him to see him holding a small towel, I raise my eyebrows at him in question. 

He offers me a small smile. "Will you let me give your hair a quick dry? I don't want you getting sick." 

I sigh and give a small nod.

Elliot extends his hand out to me, I take his hand and let him guide me over to the bench in the middle of the locker room where he gets me to sit down as he comes to stand behind me as he rubs the small towel over my hair very thoroughly. "There we go, that's a bit better. Not completely dry but it'll do." He tells me softly after several minutes.

I reach a hand up and run my hand through my hair before smiling up at Elliot to thank him. I walk over to the mirror and use my fingers to tame my hair back into submission. I turn back to Elliot to see him furiously typing away on his phone. 

He looks up at me after putting his phone into his trousers with a heavy sigh.

I point to his phone to ask him what that was about.

"I hate my cousin." He groans and gives a small almost nervous laugh.

I nod my head towards the door to indicate we should get started and Elliot nods in agreement.

"I'll be in the office if you need anything at all." Elliot tells me firmly, I know he worries about me when I'm out on the floor by myself since I don't talk. 

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