Ice To Meet You

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Ruff's Doghouse. Before the Contestants Come in.

Ruff: Question Blossom. Have we ever done a Winter Sports-themed Challenge here at FETCH?

Blossom shook her head in The Negative.

Ruff: Good, because Winter is Almost Over and I think it's about time I hold something like... Skating! Yeah! We haven't done Figure Skating Or Ice Skating Before. And how Snow is Formed! That's a great thing about science!

Blossom nods in affirmation

Ruff: Yes! That's what we'll do for now! One of these Days If we Come back for Christmas, I'll make Winter Games the theme of the Grande Finale! If the budget is willing that is. Chet, write Winter Games for the Finale under "Maybe."

Chet nods and leaves as we fade to black.

(Slow Music)

Ruff: (singing) 🎵 Life was missing its Mystique, my squeaky toys had lost their squeak! 🎵

(spoken) But then out of the blue... I saw the phone, and then BAM! My destiny was calling me!

(Music becomes more upbeat)

(Singing) 🎵 Pitched my vision for a Show, and they loved it! Thought I was a Pro! They got my contract back to find: 🎵 (spoken) to their alarm; a dog had signed!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

Ruff: Oh, I love that name!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: 🎵 I didn't wait to renovate, found six contestants; all were great! Now I'm on the road to fame, I've got a game show, and its name is... 🎵

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

(Ruff and Blossom dance while Chet flies in his airplane)

Ruff: It's really Catchy!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 With Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: It rolls off the Tongue!

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

(Chet parachutes out of his Airplane)

Backup Singers: (sing) 🎵 Ruff Ruffman! 🎵

Ruff: You know, I still remember when we had singing cats as the backups and they weren't this Rusty.

Backup Singers (sing) 🎵 Fetch! 🎵

Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Cartoon All-Stars Edition

(The Alert Blares, it's time for contestant Roll Call)

The camera Shifts to an Animated Studio G.

Ruff: And Here come the Contestants NOW!

Dot comes in

She's Coming in from Southern California, and she says it never Snows There! How Peculiar! In 6th Place with 315 points, Dot Warner!

Elinor Comes in

This little rabbit has seen plenty of snow, and likes to make snow angels! Pretty! In 5th Place with 360 points, Elinor!

Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Cartoon All-Stars Edition (S1)Where stories live. Discover now