Teenagers suck

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"When I was a teen many of my classmates loved to have boyfriends and girlfriends."my mother said to me."They want to try new things .....bad things like shouting at parents."

"Why mother?"I said. 

"It is because of peer pressure and other teen stuff, you don't need to worry about that dear."

"Don't worry mommy, I will never be a bad teenager."

*3 years later*

"I LOVE YOU."The male lead said.

"Au,I wish someone said that to me-"I said.

Shit. IT IS EMBARRASSING !How could i even say this DISGHAUSTING SHAT.

"Excuse me, who are you?"Nainu said to me,shockingly.

"What......anyone would fall for things like this...anyways you are my best friend at least you can try to understand me."

"You better stop watching K-dramas , Kia ."


"Okay I am your best friend but older than you , follow me so that you do not regret things later."

"Fine"I said closing the laptop.

I have to accept that changes do really happen like how could i even say that gosh!This pandemic did really transform me. Faster than my episode finishing rate.My school is starting in a few days and I am really excited!It feels like a reunion.I hope this would be the best year of my life.

"Kia , come here for dinner. What are you even doing alone? ."my mother shouted at me.

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