3. A robbery gonne awry.

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We were nearing the bank now, all of us preparing to go their own way over the surrounding streets that were leading to the bank.

David gave a look at everyone to inform them of proceeding.

"Agreed," said Steve.

We all nodded in agreement, and I set off to do my part. I walked around the streets near the bank, keeping my eyes open for any signs of trouble. The bank was located in the center of town, and there weren't any guards stationed outside.

I arrived at the bank just before dawn, dressed in all black with a black rag forming a sort of mask and armed with my father's rifle, he called it 'Shards Rifle', Shards was the family's name of the man that gifted the rifle to my father, he always told me about it when we where hunting in the wilds near our house.

I looked right at the square that was in front of the bank, at the street ahead of me where the twins Jerry and Jack, looking at my left I did find Steve and David. While we are all here and didn't find any police on the streets leading to the bank it's supposed to think that we'll be safe for the time that we need to be here. We all continued marching towards the solitary door of the bank, this was really silent as if it wasn't right to be here.

I took a look at my companions when we finally reached the door and then I took a deep breath as I stepped inside the bank, my heart pounding in my chest. Steve, Jerry, Jack, and David were right behind me, all armed and ready. We had planned this heist for weeks, and everything was finally coming to fruition or maybe end in absolute disaster.

"Remember, keep calm and follow the plan," I whispered to my friends as we walked on the floor of the bank and approached the teller, the sound of our steps echoing in my ears. I walked ahead of the group looking around there wasn't anybody apart from us and a few workers, I walked directly to one that was facing me

"Good morning, sir," the teller said with a smile that turned into a look of terror when he saw our guns drawn "How may I assist you?" His voice now sounded a little grieving

A teller reached for the alarm, it was a bell that was hanging on the ceiling but Steve was faster, grabbing the man by the wrist and twisting it until he released the alarm.

I raised my rifle and pointed it at the man behind the counter. "This is a robbery," I declared in a steady voice. "Empty the cash into this bag and nobody gets hurt." I thought that I sounded more confident than what I actually was.

The teller's face went pale, but she quickly complied. My friends were doing the same, moving from one teller to the next, collecting as much cash as they could. When I was done I looked around at my friends to see if they had finished already, Jerry was looking at me in his hands a bag half full, at his side was Jack holding a bag but this one was full.

The vault. "Everyone on the floor!" I yelled, brandishing my gun. "I want everyone to open the vault."

The workers complied, cowering on the ground as we moved towards the vault. One of them, a burly man with a scruffy beard, tried to grab Steve's gun, but Steve was too quick. He slammed the butt of his gun into the man's face, knocking him to the ground.

"Open the vault!" I commanded.

It was going smoothly until the sound of footsteps echoed from the back room. "Police!" a voice shouted. "Put your hands up!"

I turned to see a uniformed officer storming into the room, gun in hand. "David, get out of here!" I shouted, drawing my own weapon.

David nodded and turned to run, but the policeman was too fast.He grabbed David by the arm, twisting it behind his back.

I had no choice. I aimed and fired, the shot ringing out in the small space. The policeman crumpled to the ground, and I grabbed David, pulling him towards the door.

"Go, go, go!" I shouted to my friends, pushing them towards the waiting horses. We mounted up and rode off, the sound of shouting and alarm bells ringing in our ears.

We made it to the rendezvous point, a dilapidated house on the outskirts of town, where we were met by Sullivan. "What happened?" he asked as we dismounted.

"The police showed up," I replied, still breathing hard. "I had to take out an officer. But we got the money."

Sullivan nodded. "We have to get out of here, fast. I'll take care of the horses. Meet me at the storage facility."

I nodded and turned to my friends. "Let's go. We've got a fortune to count."

We made our way to the storage facility, eager to see our haul. But as we approached, we heard a loud explosion. Smoke billowed from the windows, and the sound of shattering glass echoed through the air.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, pulling my horse to a stop.

"It's the storage facility," Sullivan said, his face grim. "It's gone up in flames. All our supplies, all our weapons...they're gone."

I cursed under my breath. This was a disaster. We had no weapons, no supplies, and the police were on our tail.

"What do we do now?" David asked, looking around at the rest of us.

I thought for a moment, considering our options. Then I smiled. "We run. We run fast and we run far. And we'll

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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