Finally, I Do.

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Chapter 27: Finally, I Do.

The excited chattering from the seated crowd didn't do much to ease Percy's nerves. He adjusted his tie. Then his pants. Then his shirt. Then his belt. Then his tie again. He felt a hand grip his shoulder, and Percy turned around to find Jason wearing an amused expression.

"Dude, I get it. Waiting for her entrance is the hardest part; you're in the thickest of it. I promise it only gets easier, and when you see her, man, there's no other feeling like it," the son of Jupiter said reassuringly.

Percy took a deep breath before a voice spoke from the other side of the raised altar they stood on.

"Stop moving so much," Thalia hissed, proudly donning the mantle as the maid of honor, "If you squirm any more, you'll rip your pants."

The women lined next to her snickered before the nearest one became deathly serious.

"If you screw this up, Jackson, I am going to shoot you in the face," Phoebe warned, the violent daughter of Ares looking extremely out-of-character while clutching a bouquet of flowers and wearing a silver chiton.

"Thanks, guys. Very helpful," Percy muttered as his eyes left the row of bridesmaids.

He couldn't believe that this was the same Olympian city that had hosted another, more modern wedding just last year. The plaza was unrecognizable, hidden underneath lush, natural forestry.

Percy looked on at the sloping roofs adorned with soft layers of moss, the edges swaying over the venue. Snaking roots criss-crossed into a decorative ceiling and hung cascading ferns towards the seats below. Soft lights emanated from within the overhead foliage, painting the entire plaza in an otherworldly glow. Lines of intertwining leaves and flowers framed the central aisle, separating the chairs in either direction before they diverged as they reached the altar.

Oh man, the altar. The floral arch behind him was nothing like Percy had ever seen. The oaken wood frame was thin, and unnaturally glossy. The flowers that somehow organically grew from it only made it more alien. Silver roses, soft pink tulips, and white orchids snaked around the wooden arch, set against the beautiful grassy arbor. Percy took a mental note to thank Demeter after the wedding for what absolutely had to be her doing.

The piano began a different song as Percy finished admiring the decor for the dozenth time and his eyes ventured to his half of the arranged seating. The front row, traditionally saved for immediate family, consisted of a lone chair and its occupant. Hestia smiled reassuringly at her son, and Percy could immediately feel warmth spread through his jittery body.

The sea god smiled back, indescribably grateful to have the goddess sitting there so close to him. But he felt guilty, too, because of the knot in his stomach as it set in that Hestia would be the only family member to see Percy get married. He was wondering if that was a selfish thought to have before he was dragged out of his own head by the hushed tones behind him.

"Is Nico still not here?" Frank whispered nervously.

"Man, I should've been the best man instead. I already did such an awesome job last time," Leo joked, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

As if on queue, Nico appeared at the top of the aisle. The groomsmen watched as the son of Hades scurried down towards them while carrying two stacked chairs over his head. He set them neatly next to Hestia before clamoring onto the elevated platform, taking his place next to the groom.

"Sorry, Perce. Had to run a quick errand," he whispered, out of breath as he made sure his suit looked presentable.

Before Percy could respond, his confused expression melted from his face. Two ghostly forms slipped out of a shadow, emerging from the nearest side alley of the plaza. As the overhead light touched their translucent bodies, Percy felt a lump form in his throat. Immediately, his eyes darted to Hades. The God of the Underworld, lurking a few rows back on the bride's side, glanced at the pair of lost souls that had made their way onto Olympus, and a smirk momentarily danced across his face.

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