Gone and Gone Again

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Chapter 3: Gone and Gone Again

Annabeth had let her guard down in that moment. Verbalizing her feelings about Percy, she had released her hope in him. And the resulting kiss was followed by every instinct in her body screaming both that it was wrong and that she was in danger. She pulled away, her head snapping towards the sea expecting to see a monster to justify the distress her body felt. She realized that feeling was warranted by who was standing a few yards behind her.

Percy stood facing the two, Annabeth's cap in one hand and a small green box in the other. He didn't need to speak; his eyes did enough to convey that his heart was shattered. They emanated unbridled pain and an intense feeling of betrayal as they welled with tears. Percy fought as hard as he could to hold them back but he had no chance against the cascade that overpowered him, blurring his vision. He couldn't have spoken if he wanted to. His throat was bone dry and had closed up completely while watching the person he loved most say she didn't love him anymore before kissing the one that had made the last year of his life hell. Annabeth stepped towards him and started,

"Percy... please.." but what could she say? She knew it was already too late. She was the one that had given up on him, if only for a second. But now, Annabeth became certain he hadn't done any of the things Cameron claimed; his overwhelming pain and confusion couldn't have any other explanation. In some way, she knew Percy was who he had always been. But that meant nothing now. She had already betrayed Percy, and he had every right to be angry. And he was angry.

Percy's eyes were already bloodshot from the tears that had poured out of them. They continued to trickle down, but his posture stiffened like a cold statue. He felt hollow as he continued to stare at Annabeth as his gaze became briefly devoid of emotion. Cameron snickered at the emotional mess in front of him as he reached out to put his arm around Annabeth. Percy's expression contorted into one of rage.

The winds sped up dramatically as the ocean began to churn violently behind the pair. Cameron thrust his arms out to try and slow the dark whirlpool that had appeared dangerously close to the shore. A thick tendril of water shot out of the ocean and struck his sternum. As he flew backwards, wind from the opposite direction clotheslined him flat onto his face. His cry was barely audible over the thrashing winds.

Percy hadn't moved a muscle but his glowing green eyes gave away that he was the source of the growing disaster. He finally stepped towards Annabeth who frantically looked at Cameron's crumpled form on the sand. The wind whipped her hair in every direction as she turned towards Percy.

"How much of it was real?" Percy had finally found his voice, but it came out as nothing more than a whisper. Even through the raging storm around them, Annabeth could hear him. She choked up that she had made him feel the need to ask that, and was desperate for him to forgive her.

"All of it. Percy, please. It was a moment of weakness. It was one mistake," she pleaded unthinkingly. Immediately, she realized this was the wrong answer and Percy snapped.

"One mistake! It was one mistake?! What about lying about where you've been for these last three weeks? Planning to move to a college across the country without even mentioning it to me? And all those days you were so distant, were you really tired from the day with your friends? Or were they spent sneaking out here with Cameron too? ONE MISTAKE?" Percy was roaring now, but was still almost drowned out by the storm that became deafening. He hadn't even thought to bring up those nights she had come back from Olympus until he just realized it had been eating at him.

Annabeth stared at him in shock. She quickly put it together from her hat now thrashing in the wind that he must have seen the acceptance letter in her cabin. She fell to her knees with her head in her hands as she cried at what he now thought of her. Cameron was struggling to his feet, choking out a laugh at what Percy had said.

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