Chapter 3

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"I'd like that."

I almost choke on my pizza and hide it with a drink of water. I'm already feeling a little more sober. I glance down at my phone to check the time. 2 am?! Where did the time go?

I hop up. "I'm gonna go find Ino!" He nods at me and turns back to what Shisui was saying. I skip off happily, feeling a warm feeling in my body about Itachi. I feel like this is so sudden but it feels right. Maybe even more than a rebound. I find Ino and before I get to her I bump into the man from earlier. He grabs my arm to steady me, smiling.

"I've been looking for you. Here, I bought you a drink." He hands me a small glass of bright liquid.

"Thank you!" I purr at him. I grab it, and start to head towards Ino again.

"Why don't you drink it? I'd hate for it to go flat. Then maybe we could dance? I've been thinking about our dance from earlier." He says to me quietly.

I shrug, thinking one more won't hurt. I sip it to taste it and hum with pleasure. I gulp it down. "That was pretty good! What was that?" He grab my arm and pulls me to the floor, laughing.

"I'll tell you later." He pulls me against his body, moving his hips into mine. I feel a little awkward at first, but after a few minutes I feel myself relaxing. The alcohol kicks in fast, me never having sobered up very much to begin with. I start shaking my ass against him, working into his hips. He grips my hips in his hands, almost to the point of pain. I giggled and hold my head, feeling it spinning. The song ends and I step away from him, feeling my head spinning even worse.

There's small stages set around the dance floor with poles attached to the ceiling. I hop up on one and start grinding my body against it. I spin around on it, dropping to the floor and shaking my ass all the way back up. I hook a leg around it and spin again, catching his eye as he watches me. I wink at him, feeling like my body was speeding up. Everything felt fast and I drop my head back to laugh, feeling free.

I had a small crowd watching me and I drop down again, enjoying the feeling of all the attention. I vaguely hear Ino whooping and cheering. I bow to everyone before I hop down. I clutch my head as I almost fall over, head spinning. He walks up to me, grabbing me under my elbow.

"I... I have to go to the bathroom." I slurr, and stumble away. I feel him grab at me but I slip away. I swear I hear him curse but I can't be sure. I duck into the women's restroom to take care of my business.

After I've finished, I shake my head trying to clear it, I'm having a hard time connecting thoughts together and my head is seriously spinning. My eyes feel heavy and I stumble when I try to take a step. I feel my heart start to pound. I feel arms grabbing me and I look up, trying to focus.

"Itachi?" I mumble, feeling my mouth not working right.

"Come on, let's get you home." I nod but I don't recognize who this is.

"Who are you?" I slurr, but he doesn't turn around, dragging me through the room.

Itachis POV:

I sit back in my seat and look over to watch Y/N. She's currently shaking her ass on some guy and I grit my teeth, annoyed.

"You better go get your girl." Shisui chuckles. I flick my eyes to him and I see he's also watching her. "She looks a mess." Sure enough, she did. I see her hop up on the stripper pole and I sigh. She starts shaking her ass for the crowd and I can't help but laugh a little, my annoyance fading. She is her own person after all.

"You like her?" Shi asks me. I glance back to my friend.

"Yeah. I have for a long time. It was hard to be her friend when she was with that little prick though." I growl and I see him nodding his head with me.

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