Chapter 2

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It's been two months since I met James. Monty's parents are back, they bought a lot of goodies for the two of us. They're like my parents though.

" Mom, do we really need to go to school?" That is such a nonsense question, Monty. C'mon, school is somewhat fun.

" Yes dear, why did you ask?" Auntie Meg is such a calm person. She didn't over react when Monty asked that question.

" Well, I was thinking, if Cassy and I could just study at home. More like, homeschooling." Cool idea, Monty, you're such a lazy girl.

"If it's okay with Cassy. Don't you want some new friends?" Auntie Meg has a point but having new friends is kinda awkward for me," It's okay with me, auntie."

" You see, mom? It's okay with Cassy, so please can we just study at home?" Monty is such a spoiled brat. " Okay then," auntie Meg replied.


Monty and I are in the mall, I think she found a new brand of clothes in the internet. Oh wells, that's Monty.

She went inside a clothing shop, I reckon it's Forever 21. I told her that I'll just wait outside. Thank goodness there are benches inside the mall.

I took my phone inside my bag and listened to some songs. I didn't realize that someone sat beside me and tapped my shoulders. It was James.

I unplugged my earphones from my ear. " Hey Cassidy." I smiled at him. " It's good to see you again. It's been two months. How are you?"

I can't believe that he'll be asking that. " I'm fine. What are you up to right now?" James told me that he's with his sister. He also told me that he's from Bournemouth.

" Then why are you here in Basingstoke? Bournemouth is kinda far though." " My uncle lives here, having a short vacation though. We'll be going back to Bournemouth tomorrow," it's so sad to hear that.

We exchanged numbers and then he left. Bournemouth is somewhat far from Basingstoke. Monty came out of the shop holding a lot of shopping bags. I helped her out and then we went home.

We arrived home, auntie Meg prepared our dinner. Uncle Tony had been checking for some homeschooling applications.

He hasn't gotten one yet. I'm so tired... I laid down on my bed for a while. My phone buzzed.

From: James McVey

Hi Cassy! :)

I didn't know his surname. I reckon he put his full name on my phone, such a classy guy.

To: James McVey

Hey James :)

I can't believe this guy is texting me. He's really nice. I don't know if I like him but he is like my brother slash best friend.

I remember that he'll be leaving tomorrow, if only he could stay for a couple of days so I'll have the chance to know him very well.


I woke up late because James and I ended up texting at exactly two in the morning. Monty's parents are out to find an application for homeschooling.

I didn't know that finding a homeschooling is hard, oh wells it's Monty's decision. I went downstairs to eat lunch. Monty's on the phone with her friend, I guess. While I was eating, my phone buzzed again.

From: James McVey

Good afternoon :) Back at Bournemouth again. Thought that I'll wake up late, eh?

Typical James. How did he know that I woke up late? He's a mind reader, creepy.

To: James McVey

Good afternoon James :) Well, I "kinda" woke up late.

I have no idea what to do with my life right now. Just scrolling, scrolling, and scrolling on my timeline.

" Want to watch some movies?" I guess Monty's done talking to someone. " Great idea, I am so bored."


We ended up at exactly eight in the evening, then her parents arrived. I hope they've founded a homeschooling already.

" I have a good news for the two of you." Uncle Tony is excited to announce it," I found a homeschooling, but it's not here in Basingstoke." What is uncle Tony talking about?

" It's in Bournemouth."

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