Meeting the Headmaster

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It is now 2 months away from the wedding and Dumbledore still has not granted Severus permission to graduate early. All the wedding plans had been finalised and Lucius was busying himself preparing the Ministry paperwork. 

Severus was in class working on The Draught of Living Death potion when someone knocked on the classroom door. 

Professor Slughorn calls out, "Yes?". 

The Slytherin head boy pokes his head in, "Pardon the intrusion, Professor, but Snape's presence has been requested in the Headmaster's office". 

Slughorn nods his head, "Of course". He turns to Severus, "You are excused". 

Severus leaves his cauldron as is, knowing it's safe and knowing that Slughorn will allow him to come back and complete it later. 

Walking down the hall, he makes his way to Dumbledore's office. Hopefully this time, the wedding talk will go a lot smoother. Saying the password, he heads up the stairs and knocks on the door. 

He hears a voice from inside, "Come in". 

He opens the door and sees Dumbledore sitting at his desk, but also notices another person in the room. McGonagall was sitting in front of his desk, an empty chair next to her where Severus presumed was for him. 

He walks over to the desk, "You wanted to see me, Headmaster?". 

Dumbledore sighs, "Yes, Severus. Please sit". Severus sits next to McGonagall and Dumbledore leans his elbows on the desk, "Now, I assume you know why you're here". 

Severus nods, "I assume it's to further discuss me leaving school early". 

"Yes. I have given it some thought given...". He stares at Severus' ring, "...recent events, and have decided to stick with my decision. You will not be graduating early". 

"What? You can't be serious. You wanted a viable reason and I gave it to you. You wanted proof and you got it. What more do I have to do?". 

McGonagall sighs, "Albus, be reasonable. Severus getting married is something that should be celebrated. He's more than capable of passing his NEWTS and he's been given an amazing status of Potions Master, especially at his age". 

Dumbledore leans back, "I'm sorry, but my decision is final". 

McGonagall sighs and looks at Severus with sympathy. Severus, on the other hand, actually started smiling, confusing both adults. 

He chuckles, "In all my years, I have never met someone so predicatable, Headmaster. I had a feeling you would deny me once more so...". He reaches into his pocket, "...I decided to take things into my own hands". 

He pulls out a couple pieces of parchement paper and places them on the desk, sliding them over to Dumbledore. He hesitantly grabs the papers, reading over the front page. 

He hands the letter over to McGonagall and glares at Severus, "How did you get this approved without my knowledge?"

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He hands the letter over to McGonagall and glares at Severus, "How did you get this approved without my knowledge?". 

Severus smirks, "That's the benefits of having your best friend on the Ministry board of govenors". 

Dumbledore sighs and whispers, "Malfoy". 

"Exaclty. So, if you don't mind, I have a potion to finish and NEWTS to study for". He stands from his seat and turns to McGonagall, "Professor, I'll see you in 4 weeks for my graduation". 

He walks out the office, leaving a stunned Headmaster and a smiling Deputy Headmistress. 



Get ready, wedding is coming up soon! 

I am currently in Malaysia on a university trip for another 2 and a half weeks but still able to update. After the wedding, I will write a prolouge and that will complete this book. 

In advance, thank you so much for all the love and support, not just on this short story, but on all my books. If you have any ideas on any other books, not just Harry Potter, please let me know and I will see what happens. 

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