Chapter 10

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{Ollie's p.o.v}

We woke up on a beach. Great, this again. I looked over to make sure Kai was okay. He was already standing up and looking at everything. "Whoa, this place is magnificent," he said in disbelief. It's not even that cool. Compared to where he lives, it kinda sucks.

"Glad you like it," I chuckled, "Let's get going, we need to get to my family's house, then I'll show you around." He jumped excitedly, "Okay, come on!"

We got up to my house and I started getting nervous. Kai could sense this and he stopped walking and turned to me. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "I'm nervous. What do I say? What if they're angry at me?" He grabbed my arms and looked me in the eye, "they won't be angry at you. Just knock on the door and see what happens." He gave me a reassuring smile and hugged me. I breathed in his scent. Somehow, that helped me calm down a little.

I went up and knocked on the door. When the door opened, my sister appeared. She put her hand up to her mouth and looked at me in disbelief. "What happened? Where have you been?" She whispered as she hugged me tight and started crying.

My mom came up to the door and had a look of shock on her face. It was like she didn't know what to do. She called for my dad and he came over and hugged me. My mom finally snapped out of it and ran to hug me.

"What happened? The police said-" she cut off and didn't finish. They were all crying and I felt myself tearing up. "What's going on?" I heard my brother's voice, "Oliver?!" He ran up to me and jumped on me. I barely caught him. After all of that, we went inside to sit on the couch. They still haven't asked about Kai yet.

"First off, what happened?" My dad asked. So, I explained everything. "Y'all probably think I'm crazy," I said to them. "Your friend has pointy ears, so I kind of believe it," my sister said. I turned my head to look at Kai. Damn it, I forgot about his ears.

"I'm just so glad you're back. But speaking of which, who is this?" My mom asked me. "Oh um, this is Kaidon, he's kinda the prince from his world," I explained to everyone, hoping I didn't sound as crazy as I felt.

"Welcome, Kaidon. Thank you for helping my son," my dad said and shook his hand. "My pleasure. And you all can call me Kai," he replied with a large smile. "Hello, Kai. So, what's your business with my brother?" My sister asked as her nosy self. "Um well," he looked at me and I nodded my head, "I'm his boyfriend."

My sister squealed with excitement, my brother didn't really care, and my parents both looked shocked but had smiles on their faces. "Well, Kai, you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like," my mom told him. "Thank you," he replied with his charming smile.

{Kai's p.o.v}

Meeting Ollie's family was so much fun. This world is so much different than mine. Ollie said he would take me to get ice cream. I don't know what it is but he said I would like it so I'm trusting him.

We walked up to a small building. Even their buildings look more stable than ours. When we walked in, I was immediately engulfed in the smell of sweetness and sugar. "What flavor do you want?" Ollie asked me. "Huh?" I asked him. "What flavor? There's a whole bunch. I usually get Butter Pecan, it's pretty good," he explains. "Um, I'll just get that then." He told someone what we wanted and went to sit down.

"Whoa, these chairs are so comfortable. And this place is amazing," I said with bright eyes. Ollie just kept looking at me with a smile. Our ice cream came and Ollie took a bite. "It's so cold! I wasn't ready for that," I said. He laughed at me and told me to try a bite.

So I did. I bit it, and it hurt so bad. "Oww, you said it's good," I complained. "Why would you actually bite it?" He asked while laughing. "Well, I don't know. Maybe cause you told me to. That was rude, you did that on purpose," I poured to him.

"I didn't. I'm sorry, I didn't think about it," he said while chuckling. This time, I licked it. Turns out, it is really good. I felt my face light up, "This is so good!" He smiled and said "See? I told you."

That whole day, Ollie just showed me around his town, as he called it. There were many cool things. We went to what he called a park, with chairs that move, and we went to his friend's house and I met him. He was nice.

Then, we went back to his house because it was getting late. "Thank you for showing me places. I enjoyed it!" He smiled at me, "I'm glad you did, I did too. As long as I'm with you, I enjoy my time." I rolled my eyes, "So cheesy!" And I threw a pillow at him.

That night, I fell asleep with a smile on my face, snuggled up to the person I love. I couldn't ask for anything more.

───── ❝ A/N ❞ ─────

•Final chapter! Hope you enjoyed it. I didn't really know how to end it, so I just did that. It might be cheesy or cliche but whatever. Ok, bye bye!

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