My dreams kinda come true

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Hayloooo!! Sorry quite energetic today. Let's cut to the chase. So my dreams come true.

It really is and does feel like déjà vu. And I bet most of you guys have experience that right? Sometimes you don't even remember it but when the moment comes, you feel like you have experienced it before. Exactly the same scenario. But for this, I'm not quite sure whether it's déjà vu or what, it just felt the same.

I've already mentioned abt my precognitive dreams before right? So this is it. Even when I know abt it, it still makes me feel like it's magical.

Okay2 so one of my dreams.. yeah.. I'm not sure whether I have mentioned this or not, so most of the time precognitive is to warn us abt something or give us a glimpse of our soulmate. And so far I must say, I kept having the latter. I don't really mind my first precognitive dream, but after a while, I kept seeing the same person in my dreams. And the thing is, I don't even know who the person is. I've searched abt this and one of the possibilities is that I have encountered this person irl but I forgot abt it. Well ofc, if you remember every single person you encounter then I'm jealous with your memory.

So this person, is a boy. I could remember everything abt him from the dreams. His hair color, his hair length, clothes, characteristics, his skin color, everything. Just one thing I'm missing is his name and his face. I think in the dream I actually can look at his face but somehow after I woke up from the dream it was slowly forgotten even when I tried so hard to remember it.

Therefore, once I knew abt all of this, I started feeling giddy abt myself. Well how can I not? It's like I have an imaginary bf lmao. Well not bf, but I have someone who loves me the way I am even when I only get to see him in my dreams. And I honestly don't care how he is bcs so far I really like the person God set up for me. And tbh I used to not have a specific ideal type of partner/bf/wtv, but after seeing him I knew that I exactly like the way he is. I swear, I admit to God by saying "Danggg God, you really get me." Lmao

My point is, I started having these dreams since when I was 16-18 years old. Technically when I was in high school tho, and my early 18 years old, I'm still in school bcs of covid so school just had to extend and such.. and after a while I stopped having these dreams.. and I don't mind it at first but then I met someone. My classmate in university and slowly turned into friends and I guess now best friends. And believe me, I wasn't expecting anything from this friendship on the early days of my friendship with him but I guess sometimes the unexpected is the best things that could ever happen.

And honestly I never once thought to like him. And how I started to like him is bcs of him. I already have like 3 crushes on my first years of uni and he distracts me from all of them and he's not even trying. I admit it he really got me hooked. I even passed the moment that I knew I can't live without him. But even for that, I have and must be strong, I know no-one lives forever so we just have to make the best of it. And so far, I am more matured now than I was back then when I started developing feelings for him. And I'm very happy for that.

So now I often thought abt how all of this is connected. And you know what? My dreams came back. And now, all the scenes that involves that 'specific person' is replaced with.... yep you're right! With my friend. Or if he isn't in the dream, my dreams are always abt him. And I am more than happy to finally know who he is. And one thing I can confirm, no matter what I do, whatever path I choose, I can see that it always leads me back to him. I don't know how to explain it to you guys but I do have proof for it. I tried to avoid it but I can't, it's fate. Sometimes God really want some things to be together even if they don't want to.

I guess that's all for now, I have a lot more to say abt this topic but that's a story for another time

~ Love, 林-爱是

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