Precognitive Dreams

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Aight. So. I have those. It's almost the same as normal dreams. But— the dreams actually do come true. If you guys ever watched Miss Peregrines House of Peculiar Children movie, there's this one kid that has that as his power. Sorry I forgot the kid's name. But yeah you get my point.

And you all are probably thinking that— "Hey, that's cool. You have that, and it can be like that kid. It's your super power." Well yes, I thought the same too hun. But I never actually cared about it that much. Until I realize these things have meanings. It started when I was 15/16 y/o.. Most of my dreams are actually some memories from my past as what I recall; but starting that age, I began getting these dreams. It always, always makes me feel like deja-vu when it suddenly happens.

Of course everything has their pros and cons right? So the pros, yes; I can maybe know my future just by these dreams so maybe I can prepare for when it came. But- if it's a bad dream; it just will not. Stop. Messing. With. Ma. Head. You know. It'll make me constantly thinking about it if it really would come. But if it's a good dream, It'll also make me insane if doesn't come true. **Sigh noises**

Idk what to do. It bothers me more when some characters I made up for my imagination just— became real. Ok not like magic or such. Just I met some humans that kinda represents those characters. Not just personality tho, but the exact copy paste from my book. That I draw. Their physicals. Are. The. Same.

No. Wait— maybe I'll take it as a coincidence. Maybe. But. It's so freaking bothers me that their resemblance is like 49/50%. It might make me think that those humans aren't real. I created them. Okay. I'm overthinking things.

Well that's all for now. Thank you & kisses georgettes~~ 

Bare with me.
~ Love, 林-爱是

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