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"What the hell's going on out there?" Newt asks as the others see Minho and Thomas come running back from inside the maze the next day.

"What the hell you done now Thomas?" Gally asks.

"We found something. A new passage. We think it could be a way out." Thomas says as the group is walking with him and Minho.

"A new passage?" Alexis asks.

"It's true. We opened a door. Something I've never seen before. We think it must be where the grievers go during the day." Minho says.

"Whoa. You're saying you found the grievers home?" Chuck asks.

"And you're saying you boys want us to go in it? You two must have lost your minds." Alexis says.

"Their way in could be our way out." Thomas says.

"Yeah or there could be a dozen grievers on the other side! The truth is! Thomas doesn't know what he's done as usual!" Gally says angrily before Thomas stops and turns to look at him.

"Yeah well at least I did something Gally. What have you done!? Huh? Aside from hide behind these walls all the time." Thomas says angrily.

"Let me tell you something greenie. You've been here three days alright. I've been here three years." Gally says angrily.

"You've been here three years and you're still here Gally! So what does that tell you man!? Maybe you should start doing things a little differently!" Thomas says as Teresa comes over.

"Hey! It's Alby. He's awake." Teresa says.


"Alexis why is Gally so against Thomas? I know things have changed but still. " Chuck says as he is standing with Alexis beside a tree.

"Your guess is as good as mine Chuck. I have no idea." Alexis says.

"Well I wish he'd learn to give people a chance." Chuck says as Alexis notices the other boys outside beginning to panic before seeing the doors aren't closing like normal.

"Something's wrong. Why aren't the doors closing?" Alexis asks as Winston comes running over.

"I don't know but we need to let Newt and the others know." Winston says.

"Right." Alexis says as he, Alexis, and Chuck run over to Newt, Gally, Teresa, Minho and Thomas as they come running out of the medhut.

"Hey what's going on?" Thomas asks.

"It's the doors. They're not closing." Winston say as they join the others by the doors before seeing other doors are beginning to open.

"Okay Chuck I want you to go to council hall and start barricading the doors." Thomas says as he looks at Chuck.

"Winston you go with him." Newt says as Winston and Chuck leave.

"Get the others. Tell them to go to the forest and hide. Now!" Gally shouts as the gladers do as he says.

"Minho I want you to grab every weapon that you can find. I'll meet you at council hall. Everybody hide!" Thomas shouts seeing grievers as some of the group hides in the corn stalks. While hiding some grievers then grab a couple gladers and Zart causing the group to flee from the corn stalks.

"Alby." Thomas says as the group run over to the medhut seeing Clint and Jeff are helping Alby.

"Are you alright?" Alexis asks.

"What's going on?" Clint asks.

"They're here." Thomas says as he looks at Clint, Alby, and Jeff.

"Grievers?" Jeff asks as they hear gladers screaming before seeing a griever kill one of the boys.

Everything Leads To You The Maze Runner Minho X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now