on one condition

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Soon arriving back home surprisingly you found Enmu and MUZAN talking calmly. "Your here, where's Kaen?" The red haired demon walked out of a shadow with blood running down his face.

"You left someone alive, sloppy." "I'm never sloppy, I leave some alive every now and then so they can tell the tale, fear makes the blood taste better. Especially after marinating for a few days."

"Regardless, I have to admit you held more restraint on me than I'd like to admit." "Restraint?" Kaen changed his voice to that of the man's. "So sad you already forgot little old me." You were a little freaked out to say the least.

"No demons can change their scent how did you manage that?" Kaen laughed almost maniacally. "I'll tell you, on one condition." He smirked. "No, I will not be your bride, I refuse to practically give away my family."

"Hun, they're not even kids, hell they've been on their own for the past few decades. They just live here like a 30 year old human with his mother." Enmu piped in with a somber look on his face.

If you were being honest with yourself you weren't scared of leaving your family, you were scared of leaving Enmu. Demon slayers have gotten stronger, fewer but stronger.

You were terrified that if you left Enmu would get cocky again and bite off more than he could chew. The thought pained you of even the chance you hearing of his death.

Swallowing your pride you made a deal. "Fine, but only if it's title only, being your wife that is." "Once a year you can visit your loved ones and you live with me.

"Daily check ins, and I visit them once a week." "Monthly." "Deal." You shook hand and with a heavy heart gave Enmu the biggest hug of his life. "Give him hell (Y,n). And be prepared for when you visit."

He smirked and kissed you passionately. "Alright get off of my bride." "I'm not your bride yet asshole."

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