the vision of Verity Iyer

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Dying was less like falling peacefully asleep and more like plunging into the arctic. Cold and dark and painful. Lungs fighting for breath they couldn’t take. Heartbeat erratic until it stopped altogether. Mind whirling and reeling and -




A gentle breeze whispered across her cheek. Leaves rustled overhead. Soft sunlight warmed her skin, infiltrating her closed eyes. 


With a tired groan, Verity pushed herself up to sit, blinking slowly. It wasn't the plush arran carpet of Bruce's study beneath her fingertips, but soft, squishy green moss. Wild flowers growing in the shade. 

When - and how - did she get outside?


She was in the study with Ilona, Viktor, and Frederick… They were arguing about her betrothal to Frederick. He raised a gun and then… 


Now she was half-sitting-half-lying on a soft bed of moss underneath a willow tree. And in a butter-yellow sundress instead of the leggings, tshirt, and sweater - stolen from Bruce. 


“You… should not be here.”

Verity turned at the sound of a painfully familiar voice. The willow boughs parted for a petite, olive skinned woman. Black curls framed her face and she regarded Verity with cool, dark brown eyes. 


"Apologies, sweetling." Her voice was different now. Deeper. But still soothing, "No. I am Prima."

"Where are we?"

"You do not know?"


Verity shook her head, stumbling slightly when Prima hauled her up to her feet. 

"You died." Prima said flatly. "And for some reason, you woke up in my garden and not at the gates."

"I… what?" 

Who would look after Vincent now? Who would make sure he was eating? Doing his homework? 

Her heart beat in her ears. Chest tightening.

Who would tell Bruce not to be so hard on himself? On Dick?

Who would listen to Silver's rants on the intricacies of event planning? Make sure she wasn't taking on too much? 


"I am sorry." Prima sighed, awkwardly patting Verity's arm. She didn't say anything when Verity shifted away, not in the mood for false comfort. 


“Do you hear that?”

Prima raised a brow, pursing her lips. Waiting for an explanation.

“That noise!” She insisted, “It’s… it’s incessant. It’s…”


Verity sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Being dead was an awful headache. 

Prima snatched her wrist and examined the soulmark there, "How did you get this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Answer the question."

"It's…it's called a soulmark." Verity sighed, "I woke up on my eighteenth birthday and it was just… there. Why?"

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