Freeze Back in Arkham

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...Victor Fries, also know as Mr. Freeze, has been apprehended by authorities following his break in at Wayne Manor and is back in Arkham where he belongs...

It was maddening, really. The inability, despite all precautions taken, to protect his home. What good were state of the art security systems - some built by his own hands - if they couldn't keep the rogues out?

He'd spent hours checking and double checking everything before the gala. Making sure the storms hadn't knocked anything out.

What good was he then? Could he really keep a city safe if he couldn't protect his own house?

"Do stop your sulking, Master Bruce." Alfred appeared out of the shadows of the cave, a tablet under one arm and a plate of food in the other hand, "Everyone has made it home safely and a contractor will be out first thing tomorrow morning to survey the damage."

"This wasn't supposed to happen, Alfred." Bruce sighed, leaning back in his chair and pinching the bridge of his nose. A headache had formed behind his eyes from all the chaos of the night. But there was still work to be done.

"The world is full of things that weren't meant to happen." Alfred replied. He placed the steaming plate in front of Bruce and patted his kevlar plated shoulder, "If you're going out, do try to eat something first. And you may want to have a look at this."

Bruce accepted the tablet. The screen showed footage from earlier in the evening. A darkly dressed figure crept through the halls checking doors until they found one that led out to the gardens at the side of the house.

Where Freeze waited to be let in.

The light from his cryo-suit put off just enough light to get a look at his accomplice.

"Is that -?"

"Daniel Arcturus Gaten." Alfred confirmed, "Thirty-four. Markovian Security Forces. Personal bodyguard of her grace, Verity Iyer, the last four years or so."

"Given that Freeze targeted Ve-her grace directly, it doesn't seem like he's doing a very good job."

He planned to go to Arkham and talk to Freeze. But now... he leaned towards checking on Verity - the duchess - instead. Maybe see if he could get Gaten to talk...

"Curiouser and curiouser." Alfred mused, taking the tablet back.

Bruce poked at the pot roast and root vegetables on his plate. His stomach growled at the savory smell of Alfred's cooking.

It troubled him. Not just the security breach. But Gaten was meant to keep the duchess safe. What was the point of having a hired guard if they weren't going to guard? And did he know Freeze would target Verity? Were they in on it together?

There were too many variables. Too many unanswered questions. And he didn't like it. Not one bit.


The rest of the night passed in a haze. Verity, having come to as quickly as she fainted, gave her statement to the police. She let the paramedics bandage a gash on her right arm, wrap her ankle and check her head for a concussion. Blessedly, she didn't have one.

She didn't protest when Vincent draped his suit jacket over her shoulders or when Gaten - having finally reappeared - led her outside to their waiting car, shielding her from the Paparazzi.

At least he was good for that.

Somehow, she found herself back in her bathroom at the house picking glass out of her hair. She'd abandoned her shoes and gloves in the trash the minute her bedroom door closed behind her. The tile of the bathroom floor now cooling her aching feet.

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