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Luna was surprised.

How could this guy be her boss?

She even thought she had come to the wrong office, but when she saw his name written on a surface placed on his table, she knew she was in the right office. He was indeed the boss of the company. He's the CEO!

"You?" Luna pointed at him, looking very surprised.

"Yes, I'm the boss here. You came here for the interview, right?" Carl asked her, looking up for a while and bowing his head again, writing on a blank paper.

"Yes, I came for the interview." She answered and submitted her papers to him.

"I don't need to check those!" He declined, pushing them back to her.

"Why? Don't tell me it's because of what happened between us?"

He raised his head up and Luna looked away. "No, it's not." He paused for a while and continued. "Anyways, you'll be my secretary from now on and you know what it means."

"What does it mean?" She smirked.

"It's me and you're automatically my assistant. I'll pay you $120 per month. Do you understand?"

"What? 120 dollars?" She gasped in surprise.

"If you think it's small, I'm adding 10 dollars and that's $130 dollars every month."

" I didn't say it's small, okay? Anyway, I have your ID card with me." She said and placed it on his table. "Your look is just as cold as it is in reality." She muttered and rolled her eyes at him.

"What did you say? I heard something?" Carl asked twitching his brows and putting his ID in his pocket.

"Nothing, I just said I love your... your tie!" She lied, smiling awkwardly, watching him press his laptop.

"You can't even thank me!" She yelled.

"I'm your boss now, forget what happened between us. You don't talk to me anyhow, uh?" He said and Luna nodded and wanted to leave.

"Your office is by the left. Get me coffee. I don't like cold coffee and I only take cappuccino, alright?" He explained.

"So where do I get coffee?" She enquired.

"Don't ask me that! Just get me coffee."

"How am I supposed to know where the coffee brewer is. I'm new here and you know it."

"Wait? Are you the boss here?" He asked her and furrowed his brows.

"No I'm not, so that's why I'm asking my knowledgeable boss to tell me where the coffee brewer is, so he shouldn't be angry." Luna mentioned sarcastically and gave Carl a fake smile.

"It's by your right when you get outside." He answered looking pissed off.

"Thank you, able boss!" She smirked and went out of his office.


It was already closing hours, Carl had left the office so Luna went to drop the files he had given to her earlier that day when she saw his phone on the table. She picked the phone up and was starring at it.

'Why does he keep forgetting his things?'

"How do I return it when the don't even know his house?" She muttered to herself.

She was about to leave when she saw one of the staffs, so she went to meet the lady.

"Hi, I'm Luna!" She gave a smile.

"What's up? I'm Maya. Do you need something?" The lady grinned.

"Not really. But..... Maya, do you know where the CEO lives?"

"Uhmm, I'm not sure, but I heard he lives at the 'violet condo'. Maya said.

"Violet Condo? That place is so expensive!" Luna exclaimed, with her eyes wide opened.

"What do you expect of a handsome and rich guy like him? If he could just consider me and make me his wife, then I have everything!" Maya touched her heart and chuckled.

"So you like him?"

"Of course, I do. Ever since I got here and that has been a year now, I've been crushing on him. But....." Maya paused. ".... he doesn't even think about me at all. I remember a day I fell down in front of him, thinking he'll grab me but I was surprised to see my butt laying on the floor." Maya added and frowned a bit.

"So why do you want to know where he lives?" Maya enquired from Luna after a pause.

"Just to return his phone!"

"Alright, I just hope he doesn't yell at you even after helping him." Maya told Luna, fixing her eyes on the floor and pouting her lips.

"I hope so too." Luna replied, praying that doesn't happen. Because with what about happened in the morning, it's shows he's rude.

"Alright, I need to go now....." Maya informed Luna, waving her hands.

"Okay, see you tomorrow!" She waved Maya too before she left and after a while, Luna left too.

She took a cab to Carl residence and was amazed at the sight of his condo which looks like a paradise, she wondered how the inner design would look like. She moved closer and jingled the doorbell. It took a few minutes before he could open the door for her.

"Why are you here? How do you I live here?" He asked before letting her in.

"You forgot your phone and that's why I'm here. Do you think I'll just come to your house without any reason, you ungrateful brat!" She yelled and threw his phone at him, while he caught it like a goalkeeper on a football field.

"Your house looks beautiful and gorgeous!" Luna commented and sat down.

"You didn't want to stay, so why are you sitting? You ought to leave since you don't want to stay in the first place." He said and sat down on a chair away from her.

"You're so rude and arrogant. I've never seen anyone as......." Carl interrupted her.

"You have never seen anyone as cute as me. That's nice!" He managed to grin.

"Idiot! Don't push words into my mouth. You think you're handsome but you can't resist my beauty either!" She said, flipping her hair in pride.

'Grannn....... Grannnnn...... Grann....'  Luna's stomach grumbled for hunger since she haven't had anything since morning.

"Are you hungry?" Carl asked her. "I love the voice of your worms, they since so well. I think they sing in soprano." Carl mocked her.

"Shut up! It's not your fault anyway. I'm leaving!" She announced and carried her bag.

"Not until you taste my food tonight!" He grabbed Luna's waist and dragged her into the kitchen.

"Just watch me!" He said and moved over to the cabinet to get some foodstuffs and started cooking.

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