Jr. Exposé

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Bold text indicates the words are not being spoken in English.


The large assembly room was full of chatter, countries socializing after a fairly smooth meeting that morning. Russia shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, observing everyone from a slight distance. Despite being familiar with plenty of the countries there, he simply had no desire to speak to anyone today. Frankly, his mind was too preoccupied with some of the political matters back home that he'd been forced to deal with. He itched to get back to his office where he could hopefully tackle the mountain of documents he'd have to skim through and the numerous reports he'd have to write, before ultimately returning home to sulk alone.

What a fantastic day he had ahead of him. Couldn't wait.

Perhaps his being uncharacteristically preoccupied with all the exciting work ahead of him was why Russia didn't notice the girl standing behind him. He felt a slight tug on the sleeve of his suit jacket. Then, a high-pitched, confident voice.

"Excuse me, Mister."

Russia turned, brows furrowed half in annoyance, half in confusion. There stood a young girl no more than 8 or 9, staring up at him expectantly with bright blue eyes, a thick notepad in one hand and a glittery blue pen in the other.

"Uh.." He dropped his stern expression and looked about the loud groups of countries, for any sign of who this child should be with. He had never seen her before, yet the sound of her voice and her features seemed slightly... familiar? "Can I, uh... can I help you?" Russia finished his sentence slowly, turning his attention back to the girl.

"Yes. I'm conducting interviews. May I interview you, sir?" She spoke with a smooth but plain accent, not expressing the tiniest bit of hesitation or fear. Her hair was pulled back in two ponytails that were just about shoulder length and two red clips held loose strands of hair out of her face.

"Um, who- who are you? Where are your parents?" He felt awkward talking to this strange child and briefly wondered what someone so young was doing here in the first place. U.N. meetings were hardly a place for children. Her eyes quickly flitted about the room, and he swore there was a flash of remorse on her face. But it was gone as she looked at Russia again.

"I'm a journalist. I'm interviewing people to find a good story to write. Now may I interview you?" She huffed, obviously dodging the other half of Russia's question. She tapped her foot impatiently, smoothing out the wrinkles in the blue and white striped dress she was wearing. Russia gave another glance around, still unable to determine who she might be with. "Well?" She raised an eyebrow.

"...Alright. I suppose I have time for an interview," Russia decided to humor her request. She clearly would avoid direct questioning, so perhaps it would help him discreetly figure out who she was. The girl looked satisfied with his answer, quickly flipping open her notebook and clicking her pen.

"Ok, what is your full name sir?"

"Russia Moscow. Do you need me to spell it?"

She paused, briefly scanning his face as if she recalled something. She scribbled down his name.

"No, I think I remember who you are."

Russia wanted to ask how but she cut him off.

"How many years have you been a representative of your nation?"

"Ah, about.." Russia quickly added up the years, "31 years by human time, I believe."

The girl raised her eyebrows at that.

"Not very long. What was it like when you first started your job? Did you like it?"

Russia was slightly taken aback by the question, continuing to be surprised by this girl's intelligence and lack of fear. He thought for a moment and hesitantly began recalling his first memories of taking over after the death of his father. He tried to keep it simple, but the girl never seemed to have any difficulty comprehending things. She happily recorded his words down in her notebook, flipping pages as necessary and keeping her writing as neat as possible.

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