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Tw- sexual assault, skip past the italic text if you don't want to read. This is based of my experience so be kind and if you need to talk just dm me ❤️

 This is based of my experience so be kind and if you need to talk just dm me ❤️

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The next few days were the same, me bringing him food every two hours and then making sure he eats it.

On the Thursday morning, I wake up late in Toni's room and realise I've slept through to the afternoon. To be fair I had spent days sleeping on Adrian's floor which isn't the most comfortable place to get some shut eye I'll tell you that.

I have a quick shower and brush my teeth before swiping some mascara over my lashes that Toni give me after another deep dive through her sale shopping.

I walk out of Toni's room and pause when I hear two voices coming from Adrian's room. Now I know that ease-dropping isn't good but when I heard the shouting I couldn't help myself.

"I believe you. I do, but it's not my fault that I live with her at the moment!" Adrian yells.

"Do you believe me? Or has she wormed her way into your head like she does with everyone else!" A voice yells. A familiar voice. One that I won't ever be able to forget. My heart rate rises and I can feel my pulse in my whole body as my ears ring.

"Jake! She hasn't. She just lives here. Do you think I would have stolen her books if I didn't believe you! I've been a dick to her because I believed you. Because you told me to!" Adrian yells.

Jake. The person who single handily ruined my life.

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Jake and I walk down the path by the horse races hand in hand the day after my 15th birthday.

"So your taking me book shopping?" I ask excitedly.

"Later, first I've got to meet a friend." He replies and I stop. He knows new people make me nervous. His hand slips into my front pocket. "Don't worry buttercup, it's just to get some weed and then we can go to the bookstore."

I nod my head and fake a smile. "Okay."

We walk to the middle of the field, nothing can be seen except trees and the grass surrounding us along with the race course beside us. I look around nervously and my eyes catch on a red head walking towards us. He's tall, maybe around 6'1, 6'2. He's wearing a large coat, his hands in his pocket and a blunt in his mouth.

"Jake, I'm not sure about this." I whisper to him and try to walk away but he pulls me by my pocket back towards him.

"Calm down. You act all skittish and I won't be able to get it." Jake whispers to me, his voice filled with something like anger that seems to be a common theme over the past few weeks but he just told me it was because my birthday was coming up and he didn't know what to get me but that's passed.

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