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Two days later, I'm sitting in the kitchen of the barn, waiting for the other two to come down so we can start today's lesson, leaving me alone with Giana on one of the barstools sipping a cup of tea that she offered me when I first came in.

"I have to apologise on behalf of my children apparently," she says, sitting down on the barstool next to me. She then angles her head towards the stairs. "They're lazy!" she yells, causing me to wince and the sudden volume change.

Once my ears have somewhat recovered and the ringing has subsided, I answer her. "It's okay," I tell her sincerely, honestly I'm nervous.

Apparently, the other day when the idea first came up, I hadn't taken into account that I'd have to sit for hours with Adriano, who has been glaring at me more since he came home drunk two nights prior.

Before his glare held maybe 40% hate and 60% annoyance, since then the numbers have changed and it's now 100% hate.

To be honest, I'm not sure why he hates me to begin with. We met not even a month ago, and I've only spoken to him on three separate occasions, but he seems to have immediately taken a disliking to me.

Why? That I'll never understand, but his hostility towards me has made me feel the same way about him, as he does about me.

"Actually, them being lazy might be a pro this morning rather than a con. I'm just wondering what level you're working at? Do you remember what your expected grades were before you started school at home?" Giana asks, before taking a sip of tea from her own and placing it back down on the counter.

"Um all nines," I tell her, and her eyebrows raise.

"All A stars?" she asks in disbelief.

"Uh yeah. We did the MOCK exams online school, and I got at least 98% on all of them." Her eyebrows raise again, and I smile sheepishly, fiddling with the bottle of hand sanitiser in my hoodie pocket.

"photographic memory." I mumble, looking down at my hoodie pockets as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Wow. Really? Periodic table?" she questions as if she can't believe what I've just told her.

I look up and start reciting them as fast as possible, one coming right after the other with no hesitation. "Hydrogen,Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron,Carbon,Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon,Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Silicon,Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, potass-" I'm cut off as Toni comes down the stairs at lighting speed, and she runs into the kitchen.

She's wearing soft pink cargo pants with a silver chain looped from a belt loop at the front and another at the back, coupled with a light tan crop top that shows the soft colour of her olive skin. Her hair is in a high ponytail, and she's wearing small, silver hoop earrings. There's no makeup on her face, not that she needs it. Her skin is clearer than the sky on a bright sunny day in June. Her smile is huge when she sees me sat on the barstool and take the one next to me, causing it to screech along the floor and I cringe at the sound.

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