How To Find Vegetables To Eat in Ohio

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1. Stay away from corn and pumpkins.

As you may know corn and pumpkins as crops that people eat on Thanksgiving, but they are not edible in Ohio. The reason why is that there is a rebellious secret organization with an unknown name that has the goal of killing the citizens in Ohio by putting bombs on corn and pumpkins.

2. Ask the citizens of Ohio

The citizens of Ohio are smart enough to distinguish "bomb vegetables" from the real ones but some are unfortunate enough to eat them because of hunger. Most citizens are more than happy to help a foreigner survive in this hell called "Ohio".

3. Throw anything at the corn and pumpkins to see if they explode on impact.

 They are bombs that can kill someone within 2 meters and are sensitive to touch. You can throw anything from a ball to a fucking weapon.

4. Douse the vegetables in cold water then heat them up in lava

Dousing the vegetables in cold water helps disable the bombs inside the vegetables. Heating the vegetables then prevents the ohiovirus from getting into your body.

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