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A sharp gasp escaped her as she sat up straight in her bed, trying to catch her breath as cold sweat covered her like a suffocating blanket.

Cold hands were on her in an instant, causing her to panic and struggle against them until a soothing voice reached her ears, "Regina, it's me. It's Rosalie. You're okay, you're safe. Everything's okay."

Regina slowly realized that she was at home in her bed and looked up to meet Rosalie's golden eyes. The soft, concerned look in Rosalie's eyes did her in and she let her head fall onto Rosalie's shoulder before sobs escaped her no matter how much she tried to hold them back.

After a second of hesitance, Rosalie's arms were wrapped around her and rubbing soothing circles on her back. "Shh, it's okay. You're gonna be fine," She murmured soft reassurances until Regina's sobs quieted and her breathing evened out. Only once Regina's heartrate went back to normal did Rosalie pull back slightly to look down at her and see if she was okay.

Regina felt embarrassed and mumbled a 'sorry', at which Rosalie shook her head, "It's alright."

Regina shot her a grateful smile and ran a hand through her hair, which was greasy from the cold sweat. She desperately needed a shower.

"Does that happen a lot? The nightmares?" Rosalie asked, getting up from the bed to give Regina some space. The gesture went appreciated. Regina couldn't believe she'd been so dramatic about some stupid nightmare. And in front of Rosalie of all people. She desperately wished none of it had happened, but she couldn't help herself. Especially with the added stress of Bella being next on this James his kill list, the image of Waylon was at the forefront of her mind. Of course, her subconscious was going to run wild with it.

She shook her head a little and answered Rosalie, "No, it's recent. Ever since Waylon..." She closed her eyes and blew out a breath. She shook her head and looked at Rosalie. "Never mind." She grabbed some clothes and headed for the door to take a much needed shower, desperate to escape the moment.

Still, she couldn't help herself but stop in the doorway and look back at Rosalie, "Oh, and uhm, thanks. I uh, I needed that hug, so thank you." She escaped the room before Rosalie had the chance to answer, not wanting to stick around any longer.

. . . . .

After a brief shower during which she'd recollected herself, Regina was back in her room doing her make-up. Rosalie was still there and Regina didn't miss how she was staring at her with furrowed brows. The human reckoned she'd speak her mind eventually so she didn't break the silence that had stretched between them. Yet, it became increasingly more difficult the longer Rosalie stared at her as if she was an annoyingly frustrating riddle she couldn't solve.

"I don't understand you."

Regina paused in doing her mascara and met the vampire's eyes in the mirror. "What do you mean?"

The blonde stood up and crossed her arms, "I don't get how you wake up every morning, traumatized from the aftermath of what vampires are capable of, yet you're still willing to throw your life away to become one," She sneered.

The words caused Regina to put the mascara down entirely and turn around to properly face Rosalie. "What on earth gave you that idea?" She shot back, defensive. Rosalie was clearly back to her distanced, cold self; last night and earlier that morning long forgotten. Regina didn't care if Rosalie was distant, but she wasn't going to stand there and take the undeserved sneer in her stride.

"Oh, like it isn't obvious," The blonde rolled her eyes.

Regina raised a sharp eyebrow and threw her hands up, "Clearly not, so spell it out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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