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Regina was bored.

Ever since the accident, she'd been put on bedrest by her two exceedingly worried parents and she was slowly going insane from boredom. Sure, she had the DS she borrowed from Emmett, but if she focussed on that too long, her head began pounding and she'd have to stop. Same went for reading, so that was out of the question too. It was moments like these that she really wished she was artistic. Colin was great at drawing, but Regina – after attempting to sketch once – knew that it was not one of her talents. Colin had told her she had to 'trust the process', but Regina couldn't find it in her to do so. She'd get impatient and crumble up the piece of paper because she wasn't satisfied with it. So, this left her with absolutely nothing to do.

The only reason she hadn't completely lost her mind was because Jessica would come and stop by every day after school. She'd complain about her day and catch her up on the latest gossip in school – most of which was about her at the moment. After Thursday, Jessica had come by all excited and giggly and Regina knew it couldn't have been because her biology trip to the greenhouse was that exciting, so she'd sat up straight on her bed.

"Mike asked me to prom!" Jessica squealed before quickly covering her mouth because she didn't want to cause Regina a headache. But Regina was just as excited and had grabbed her hands, immediately asking all sort of questions. The two of them were already planning on when they'd go dress shopping before the good ones were sold out.

Aside from discussing Mike and prom, Jessica did also mention that their friend group planned to go to La Push beach since the weather would be nice. The two of them had put on their best puppy eyes when asking Evelyn and Robert if Regina could go, but they decided it 'might be best if she stayed home for the weekend', which translated to a solid 'no'. Regina was a bit annoyed but told Jessica to have fun and to send her pictures.

Luckily, aside from Jessica's visits, Regina did have another distraction from the constant boredom, namely Emmett. He'd often text her during class and the two of them called in the evenings, talking about anything and everything. Talking with Emmett was just easy, it felt natural and comfortable. The two grew closer, even if they only spoke via the phone. They'd already decided that once Regina was allowed to start doing stuff again, they'd have to meet up and do something fun together.

Of course, when she told Jessica about these calls, Jessica continued insisting that Emmett definitely had a crush on her. Regina would deny it, but then her best friend would point out, "Oh, please, he has a crush on you just like you have a massive crush on him." Regina had tried to deny that too, but her cheeks had heated up and Jessica had had a field day with her blushing like crazy.

. . . . .

Two weeks had passed since and life seemed to have gone back to normal. Regina was driving her siblings to school again and hadn't lost her licence, which she knew she had Bella to thank for. The first time getting into that car was nerve-wrecking and she hadn't wanted to do it, but her father had taken her by the hand and sat in the driver's seat as the two of them drove around town. He'd paid for ice cream and Regina slowly regained her confidence behind the wheel. Everything seemed to be going great and, on Friday morning, the sun was even shining in rainy Forks.

While Regina wasn't planning on wearing shorts like some of the more ambitious students, she did decide to wear layers and was looking for her denim jacket. She hadn't seen it in a while and had been looking everywhere for it.

"Mams," Regina called as she headed downstairs, "Have you seen my denim jacket? The one with the embroidered flowers on the back?"

Evelynn looked up from her papers that she was reviewing for work and frowned, "No, I haven't seen it in a while actually. When was the last time you wore it?"

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