Chapter IX

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King's Landing, January 105 AC

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King's Landing, January 105 AC


First, please convey my condolences to Uncle Gareth over the death of Auntie Elissa. I know they never loved each other as deeply as you and Amma, but I also know how much kindness and mutual respect there was between them. I can only imagine how Uncle Gareth must be dealing with her death and with having to handle running Stonehelm alone and preparing for the Baratheon visit by himself (since I can only guess Uncle Elias will be no help, as usual).

As for me, everything is going well here at court. I'm rising in the favor of the Targaryens, with Queen Aemma treating me as dearly as she does her own daughter — although Princess Viserra has been looking at me recently and I'm not sure what this means. I recently met Syrax, Princess Rhaenyra's dragon and she is truly a magnificent sight. For a moment, I wished I could claim a dragon myself.

Anyway, time grows short, so I send my blessings, papa, and ask that you fill me in on all the news from Stonehelm just as soon as ever you can. Greet Morgan for me.

May the gods bless you, Papa.
I remain, as ever,
Your daughter,

━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━

Starfall, March 105 AC


The harvest treated us well, thank you for asking. But if you think yourself so clever, let me tell you you aren't!

Now, what's this about a handsome knight? I want you to tell me everything in your next letter. I can't believe you thought he deserved only one line in your message. I need more information to decide if he's worthy of you!

Where's he from? What house is he from? What's his name? How did you meet? I want to know everything!

Oh and, your next letter will have to wait a few moons. We're leaving Starfall in the hands of our stewards so we can go visit Maman's family.

All my love to you,

━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━

King's Landing, May 105 AC

Morgan, dear brother,

The Queen and the King have started trying for a child again. I'm praying fervently for this one to stick, and for Queen Aemma to finally birth another healthy child. I'm worried for her and for her health. Though, sometimes I loathe myself for thinking so and the disrespect it brings to Amma's memory, I have come to see her as a mother and I do not know if I could survive losing her.

The Lady Aleah, the Hand's wife is also ill. She caught an affliction brought to King's Landing by one of the merchant ships from Essos and has not managed to return to full health. Please, add her to your prayers. She tempers the worst impulses of the Lord Hand.

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