Chapter 7

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Yamato looked up at Naruto, looking contemplative. "Let's look at the pros and cons of this, shall we?"

Naruto pointed at him. "Good idea! Pros: We discover his research, future plans, information on Akatsuki, possibly find locations for all his bases, kill him, possibly find Sasuke and drag his pansy ass back."

Yamato looked at him, part amused and part reproachful. "Cons: We're possibly outnumbered, that too against bearers of the curse seal. Not only that, but it's also possible that by the time we get there, it's empty and he's rigged the place to blow."

There was silence for a few moments. Arguments of both sides were sound, but one side carried more weight than the other. Sakura spoke up hesitantly, "I think we should go back."

Naruto turned to face her. He didn't glare at her, or even look surprised. He just silently asked her why. Sakura shrugged, "We've already got Kabuto, didn't we? So we don't really need to go to the base to hunt for information. As Orochimaru's right-hand man and a spy, he's most probably privy to a lot of information the other villages would kill for."

Naruto raised his eyebrows, impressed. "Huh...that's a very good point."

Sakura smirked and crossed her arms. "You aren't the only one intelligent on this team."

Naruto smirked back and pointed out the hole in her argument. "But as you said, he's only the right-hand man. Orochimaru isn't a person who shares everything, even with people he trusts."

"Be that as it may," Haruto interrupted before Sakura and Naruto could really get started, "I too believe that we should head back. We've already prolonged it more than necessary. We got what we came for, so let's not be greedy."

Yamato nodded. "He's right. Better not to be hasty when it comes to dealing with Orochimaru."

Naruto pursed his lips and looked off to the side. He let out a deep sigh- they were right. They already got what they came for. Plus, the fight with Orochimaru shouldn't have even happened. They were just supposed to grab the spy and get out of there.

He felt Kurama's displeasure from within. He knew he could probably take whoever came their way, but that was just being overconfident. He could take care of himself, but as the team leader, he couldn't just afford to think merely about himself. The team always came first.

Sakura and Haruto were good shinobi, but Yamato was right on the end that there was a high chance they would be outnumbered. And separated. United they stand, divided they fall, and all that crap.

"Fine," he said at last, turning back to his team. "We head back." He looked at each member in the eye. "We grab Kabuto, and double-time back to Konoha. Everyone cool with that?"

Haruto and Sakura smiled, and gave him nods. Yamato smiled and gave him an approving nod. "But before we move," he spoke suddenly, gaining quizzical looks, "I need to test something out."

He bent down, taking out a sealing scroll from a vest pocket. Taking out the ink and brush, he started drawing seals on the paper, with swift and precise strokes. Haruto and Yamato knelt beside him, with Sakura leaning over his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

Naruto smirked. "Completing a seal. I put one on Orochimaru."

Sakura had a skeptical look on her face as she tried to remember what little she knew about seals. "He was spitting out bodies like crazy, what makes you think he didn't do it after reaching his base? That way, you could just be tracking another corpse."

"That would be the case if I had just used a normal tracking seal," Naruto reposted as he added the necessary layers to complete the seal. "But we've seen that normal doesn't work with the guy. Which is why I added a different one."

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