3. Part Who is Devereaux?

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The next morning, I met my maids Susie and Carly. They were very sweet. Later I learned that they were also much more normal than Mia’s, they basically stalked her and didn’t stop curtsying at first. I had chosen to explore the palace a bit with Mia.

We had after a bit of exploring found a secret room

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We had after a bit of exploring found a secret room. In there we could spy on the Parliament meeting. 

We found out that I couldn’t become Queen if I wasn’t married. All because of an old stupid law. And that some stupid Lord Devereaux wanted my rightful throne.

And worst of all. I had only 30 days to find a husband and marry him.

30 days!

I was circling around the throne room while Grandma and Mia looked at me with helpless looks on their faces. I rambled thinking over the news.

“How am I supposed to fall in love in 30 days! It’s like… It’s like it’s a big trick to get me to have an arranged marriage or…shit No. No, there’s no way… That’s it. There’s no or. An arranged marriage is my only option.” My eyes were wide as I came to this reliastion. Fuck! Mia sighed and Grandma looked at me with a soft smile as she knew this too. She had also been in an arranged marriage. But this wasn’t what I wanted. “I know Grandma that you and Grandfather were in that kind of marriage of fondness. But I want love! It’s not hard to say.”

“I know, darling. But you always have the option to not become Queen.” Grandma comforted me.

“No, I will have my portrait on the wall next to the other Renaldi’s who have ruled over Genovia. I’ll figure this out. If getting married is all I have to do to be Queen then it’s a small price to pay.” Mia embraced me and Grandma joined in too.

Lord Devereaux and his Uncle would be arriving shortly. And I was getting ready to meet them. I already hated Devereaux, even if I didn’t know him. He would be staying at the palace, which would definitely be weird.
I had put on a blue tweed coat dress and black stilettos.

I was waiting in the entrance with Mia by my side, both standing restlessly. Then Grandma came in talking with Joe about Devereaux and the viscount.
“Oh, hello.” I greeted Grandma, Joe and Lionel, an intern. I looked up from fidgeting with the hem of my skirt.
“So is this all right to wear to welcome the viscount and his nephew?” Mia asked as we both made a full circle so Grandma could assess our looks.
“Very appropriate and pretty.” Grandma complimented.
“Thanks,” I slightly blushed. Mia went to the mirror make sure her hair was okay,
“I can’t believe Parliament invited the guy who’s trying to steal the throne to stay with us.” Mia spoke, annoyance apparent.
“Yes, unbelievable.” I said in agreement.
“Oh, no, Parliament didn’t invite him. I did.” Grandma said plainly. My eyes widened in shock.
“Wh..?” I couldn’t even finish my sentence.
“I offered to have him hung by his toes in our courtyard. Excuse me, '' Joe said and left.
“Yeah. What about Joe’s suggestion?” Mia asked, also in shock.
“No. If there’s any mischief going on, I’d prefer it to be under my own nose.”
“That does make sense.” I murmured to myself, while sitting on an armchair in the room next to Grandma. Then I stood and walked to stand next Mia and complained.
“I just so don’t want to be nice to this guy.”
“Neither do I.” Mia agreed.
“He’s rude, he’s arrogant and self centered, he’s…” Grandma cut me off.
“Have you met him?”
“I j…No.” Mia and I both said.
“Neither have I”
“Yeah, but he probably is, Grandma,” Mia argued.
“I mean, like now, all of a sudden, out of complete nowhere, he wants to be the King of Genovia? What is that about?” I ran a hand through my brown hair nervously while leaning on a pillar.
“Ohh, thush.” Grandma waved it off. “Whatever he is, we will be charm itself. We will present ourselves with grace and poise. Right, girls?”
“Yes, Grandma.” Both me and Mia sighed.
“Announcing Viscount Mabrey and Lord Devereaux.” Majordomo said and thumped his staff. Grandma stood from her armchair and Mia and I straightened ourselves up. We stood together, the three of us.
The doors to the hallway opened and both the Viscount and Lord stepped in. And who would have thought. Nichoals was Lord Deverreaux. That bastard!
“Your Highness.” Mabrey greeted Grandma.
“Mabrey.” Grandma said politely as Mabrey kissed her hand.
“Ma’am, may I introduce my nephew, Lord Nicholas Devereaux,” Mia and I exchange wide eyed looks. Just Nicholas, my ass!
“We are delighted to make your acquaintance.” Grandma politely offered him her hand.
“Your Majesty, the pleasure is all mine, “ he kissed her hand, “and thank you so much for inviting me to stay at the palace.”
“May I present my granddaughters Mia and Kathleen.” Grandma was one of the few people who called me by my real name.
“Your Highness’, “ Devereaux bowed to both me and Mia. I looked aside, not sparing him a glance. Mia doing the same.
“Mia and Kathleen, would you care to welcome our guest?” Grandma asked. Mia looked at him and gave him a quick smile. While I sighed and looked at him, placing an overly sweet smile on my face and walking towards him slowly and opening my mouth to speak.
“Lord Nicholas. Uhh! Humph!” I stepped sharply on his foot again and flipped my hair and walked out of the hallway. Mia followed after me, stifling a laugh.
“She always does that,” I heard Devereaux say as I walked away.

Mia and I were down in the kitchens eating ice cream straight out of the tub, well me mostly. But Mia did get a fair share of it.
“Would you care to explain what was going on out there?” Grandma asked when she descended down the stairs to us.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, my mouth ever so slightly full of vanilla ice cream. I swallowed and said, “I, uh, have met Lord Nicholas. Actually, yep, at the ball.”
“Mm-hmm.” Mia nodded in agreement.
“Didn’t know who he was, so, you know, so we… We danced. And I flirted and actually liked him.” Grandma sighed in understanding, “I feel so stupid right now. When I actually like a guy. It turns out that he wants to steal the throne. Just…Great”
“I see. Well, as your queen, I absolutely cannot condone it. As a grandma, I say… right on.” Her words made a small smile on my face. “Now if you’ll come with me I have something to show you.”

Mia left to meet with Lilly who had come to visit us. While Grandma walked me up many stairs and down many hallways to a door.
“The renovations for your suite are finally finished. Should have been ready for when you arrived, but unfortunately we asked Rupert’s cousin to do the bathroom,” Grandma talked as we arrived at the door. “It’s a good lesson. Nepotism belongs in the arts, not plumbing.”
I stifled a laugh at her words. Then the doors were open and my jaw dropped to the floor. The rooms were beautiful.
“This is your very own suite.”
“Oh, My, God. Are you serious?” I asked dumbfounded by the beauty. There were no unused walls because they were covered with bookshelves. Filled to the brim with books of all genres.
“Mm-hmm.” Grandma nodded.
I ran to the king size bed and jumped back first on it, letting out a happy sigh.
“This is so cool!” I exclaimed. My maids walked out of the room whispering to each other.
I knew beforehand that Fat Louie would be staying in his own little suite which was just too cute.
“There’s more.” Grandma handed me a remote. I clicked a button and a secret door opened to reveal a huge closet. The smile on my face grew even bigger.
“Holy Shit! Sorry Grandma, I didn’t mean to swear but this is so cool!” I clicked a few more buttons and saw my jewels and tiaras in a cabinet. And my favorite gowns and suits. “ Thank you so much Grandma.” I hugged her and she smiled.
“I’ll leave you to enjoy your room.” and with that I was alone in my huge closet smiling like an idiot.

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