Chapter 1

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Nishinoya pov.

Once I walked in their house I felt more at home than my parents house.
"Hey, I'm going to call the team really quickly so they know I'm alright, and have a safe place to stay for a while." I told them.
"Go ahead, but put them on speaker so we can talk to them and reassure them that you are safe here." Alexander told me, I nodded and called the teams group chat, putting it on speaker.
"Noya what happened, you never call the group unless it's important." Suga questioned.
"You know how I told the team about my living situation, right?" I asked, as Mike took careful steps behind me calmly hugging me from behind.
"Noya, did they hurt you in any way shape or form, because if they did the team will raise hell." Daichi spoke up, ready to fight someone.
"No, I left before I entered the house because they were having a screaming match, and I didn't want to be on the receiving end of it." I told the captain.
"That's good, can you tell us where you are?" The vice captain asked.
"I'm currently a three minute trip from school, with two middle school third years in their house." I told them.
"Can they hear us Noya?" Cap asked.
"Yeah, you're on speaker, and they know about the situation." I told him.
"That's ok, what are your names? I'm only asking as a friend here." Suga asked.
"I'm Alexander, and my friend is Michael." Alex spoke up.
"Hi, I'm Michael." Mike spoke from behind me.
"I'm Sugawara, the vice captain of Noya's team." Suga introduced himself.
"I'm Daichi, the captain of the team. Noya, what do you want us to do, because you need to get your gear out of that house." Daichi told me.
"Can you send Tanaka? He's the only one they'll let in after a fight and keep their cool while he's there." I explained.
"Alright, he's on his way to that hell hole. Thank you Alexander and Michael from taking him in. I hope to see you both at Karasuno next year." Suga tod us.
"That's the plan. I can't wait to meet you both in person." Alex spoke, with a hint of cheer in his voice.
"Noya, I'll call you back when Tanaka is on his way back to his place with your stuff." Suga told me.
"Thanks Suga." I told him as the call disconnected.
"Noya, hit the shower you can borrow some of my clothes see if they fit." Mike told me. He lead me to his room, and pointed to the bathroom across the hall.
"Thanks again for everything guys, and can one of you answer if Suga calls back and I'm not out of the shower?" I asked them walking in to the bathroom with some clothes in hand from Mike's room.
"Yeah we can do that!" Alex yelled out to me.
"Thanks!" I yelled back, setting the shower to the perfect temperature.

Alexander pov.

Once we heard the water turn on, we heard Noya's phone ring. I picked up the phone and put it on speaker.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Is this Sugawara?" Mike asked, making sure it was the right person.
"Yeah, you both must be Michael and Alexander,  thank you both for taking him in, the team and I really appreciate it. I'm calling to let you know that Tanaka has gotten all of Noya's belongings and is trying to find you to give you the stuff." Sugawara told us.
"If it's not an issue I could meet him near Karasuno and get Noya's things from him." Mike suggested.
"That'll work, he should be nearing the school soon, if you want to meet him there." Sugawara agreed.
"I'm going to start making my way out there." Mike said getting his shoes on and making his way out the door.
"It was good talking to you Sugawara, talk later." I told him.
"It was good talking to you Alexander." He said disconnecting the call. Noya got out of the shower a few minutes after the call ended.
"Did Sugawara call Alex, and where did Mike go?" He asked.
"Yea, he called a few minutes after you hopped in the shower, we just got off the phone, as for Mike, he went to get your stuff from Tanaka, I believe. He should be returning soon, go pick out your room to live in, there should be an open room near the far wall on the left next to Mike's room." I told the older male.
"Thanks Alex." Noya thanked, going to check it out. Once he was gone Mike walked in with Noya's belongings.
"Did Noya get out of the shower?" Mike asked.
"Yeah, I told him he could take the open room next to yours, the one at the end of the hall." I explained. He nodded and took the stuff up to Noya.  I followed Michael up there to help him and Noya set up the room to his liking. I had Noya's phone in hand and it was Sugawara calling again. I answered the call.
"Hey, Sugawara what's up?" I asked, placing the call on speaker.
"Did Michael make it back with Noya's things?" The older male asked.
"Yeah, we're helping him set up his room now, you're on speaker by the way." I told him.
"Ok, that makes it easier then, Noya, Asahi left the team, do you want to stay on the team or are you going to leave as well?" Sugawara asked.
"Damn, I should've known he'd leave. I'll stay on the team, I think the first years coming in would benefit us more if I stayed." Noya told him.
"Alright, now we need a coach, I'll talk to Takeda sensei to see if he can convince someone to come coach us." Sugawara spoke, relieved that Noya chose to stay on the team. "Alright, see you when the summer break ends, later Yū." Sugawara told him disconnecting the call.
"Alright, I have to talk to dad, so I'll be back a little late tonight." Mike told us.
"Have fun, tell Chris I said hi." I told him.
"Yeah, I'll see y'all later." Mike said walking out. I stayed back to help Noya finish up his room, and his system for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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