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Alexander pov.

We had just arrived in Japan for the start of high school, and before we moved we made sure that the school had a volleyball team, but they called it a club. Once we got everything moved in we went to check out a match going on between two of the middle schools here, I made Michael follow me to the match and watched as the team in blue and white completely decimate the team in light green. The one with orange hair got my attention, he had a look of determination and it inspired his teammates to continue the match. There were two others that matched his energy and I noticed that they were pushing themselves harder for their friend. The deciding point in the match was the set the setter on the other team did, and the ginger went for the ball, and spiked it back but it was out. The two boys went to their friend to cheer him up after the match. The other players on the green team went over there as well and joined the hug. I lead Michael down to the court to introduce ourselves.
"HI, I'm Alexander, and this is Michael, we were wondering if we could become friends?" I asked.
"That sounds great! Let's meet up tomorrow, at the park near Krosuno." The ravenette told us.
"Alright see tomorrow!" I told them walking out with Mike hot on my tail.

Hinata pov.

"Alright see you tomorrow!" Alexander said, walking away with his friend on his heels.
"Ash, what did you do?!" I asked.
"He asked if we wanted to become friends, so I said yes for us. Now come on, we promised to meet up with our friends after the match." He explained.
"Damn I can't believe I forgot about that." I told them. "Alright first years, let's head to the locker rooms to get changed and start heading back." I told the rest of the team. We thanked the other team for the game, and ran to the locker room to change.

~time skip to morning~

Michael pov.

We woke early this morning and Alex had started cooking breakfast for us, while I took a shower. Once I finished in the shower and got my clothes on for the day.
"Mike!! Foods ready!!" Alex yelled out to me.
"I'm coming!! Give me a minute!!" I yelled back. I'm glad that dad moved us out here after the divorce and sort of adopted Alex, after Terry's death. Father let me and Alex get a place near the high school of our choice and live there on our own and invite friends to live with us. I walked out of the bathroom and sat down at the table opposite of Alex and started eating.
"We have to meet up with those guys we met yesterday." Alex reminded me.
"Ok, if you're done go get ready while I clean up here." I told him taking his plate. He nodded and ran up the stairs to get ready and I started cleaning the kitchen. After a bit I finished and Alex came down the stairs with a volleyball in hand. "Ready to go?" I asked, he nodded and tossed me a gym bag with extra clothes in it. We walked out of the house and went towards the school they said to meet up at. Once we got there one of them was waiting outside like he was waiting on the other's to arrive. Alex rushed over and introduced himself with me hot on his heels.
"Hey, I'm Michael, but you can call me Mike, it's nice to meet you." I introduced myself.
"Likewise, I'm Ash, and my friends should be here soon." Ash explained. He looked around to check if they were coming then grabbed his phone and started typing furiously. He looked around once more and noticed the ball in Xander's hand. "Do you guys play?" He asked.
"Yeah, I picked it up after my brother died to pick up where he left off, in order to honor his memory, Xander here taught me the ropes and helped me get better with handling my brothers death, by using that as a motivate to win on the court." I explained.
"I started playing early on, but when my parents died, Mike and his family took me in and I played with Mike's brother every so often and I loved the sport so I stuck with it." Alex explained. Ash nodded and told us that his friends were almost here if we wanted to set up a two v two match, to prepare for the tryouts they hold to enter the volleyball team. We agreed and meet Tanjiro and Hinata and told them the plan and we got changed into some gym clothes and found a place with a outdoor net to play volleyball. After a bit another person stopped by and asked to play with us.
"Sure we don't mind, but what's your name and grade level?" Alex asked.
"I'm Nishinoya Yuu and I'm a first year in high school." The new comer introduced.
"We're third years in middle school, what position do you play?" Tanjiro asked.
"I'm the libro, and damn you guys are so young and ripped. I'm jealous." Noya told us. With Noya here it made it an even three on three, so we continued the game. I watched Noya carefully and it looked like he was doing the same to us, he blushed when ever his eyes landed on me. Once the game ended we exchanged numbers to keep contact throughout the summer. As Alex and I were packing up some of the equipment we brought before we started on our way back to our place, he got a call.
"It's Noya." He told me.
"Answer it, it could be important." I responded. He nodded and answered the phone.
"Hey Noya what's up?" Alex asked. He quickly put in his headset and handed me an ear bud.
"Can I move in with you guys? My situation here is getting worse." Noya explained.
"Of course you can Noya, if you're still near the grounds we were playing at, come meet us here, we're packing up our equipment." Alex told him.
"Yeah, I'll tell my team captain about the situation and ask the team to help get my stuff out of there." Noya agreed.
"Its good that you can rely on the team for help, see you in a bit Noya." Alex spoke gently. I heard the call disconnect and handed the ear bud back to him.
"Looks like the house came in handy sooner than we thought." I spoke up, relieved that we're helping our upper classman.
"Yeah, at least we'll know he's safe with us." He told me. I spotted Noya and waved him over. He quickly ran towards us and hugged us both.
"Thank you!" He told us crying slightly. We nodded and hugged back, soothing him. We sat like this for a few minutes while Alex finished up with the last of the equipment.
"Alright I'm done, we can head home, Noya do you have extra clothes? If not you can use some of mine." Alex spoke up, walking over with the equipment bags in hand.
"N-no I left as soon as I got there because I heard yelling once I got to the porch." He explained. We nodded and lead him to our house, and explained that my dad lived across the street to keep an eye on us. He didn't seem to mind, and walked in as we opened the door.

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