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In after the sunset, Ino was well surrounded by familiar and unfamiliar faces alike around the small camp, the citizens in awe of the new arrival.
Whispers and small chatter went about, ' her ' being the main topic, as her Grandmother took her sweet time looking her up and down taking in her view.

Ino rather bashful came closer to her grandmother, the strap of her bag being resticted in her hand.

' Well, aren't you going to invite me inside?', Ini asked.

Her Grandmother well aware narrowed her eyes and sighed as she led the way, ' Follow me . '

Ino noticed how the two men beside her grandmother followed as well as asked the other citizens to get back to work as they 4 of them made their way to the largest wooden house in the centre of the camp. She also noticed all the various vegetation that grew about, all kinds of herbs and shrubs.
The large wooden house was covered in thick vines and flowering of the Wisteria flowers, the house was most probably made with bamboo and a well- lit lantern on the doorway.

As the entered the wooden house, it was a humble abode, with a fireplace in the middle of the house and a raised flooring to give a sense of division. Ino sat across her Grandmother, as she fidgeted with her fingers, nerves taking over as she felt the guilt that all this year's she hadn't bothered to visit her grandmother once also and here she was after this year's in front of her, to ask a favour.

Her Grandmother broke the tense silence, ' Did you have your dinner!? If not, will you have it with me? '

Ino shocked looked up at her grandmother and saw slight affection in her eyes for a split second, however as soon as it came it was gone, shielded with a tough exterior.

Ino shook her head, ' I haven't had my dinner yet, I'd love to have it with you ', Ino smiled gratefully.

' Hiro, will you please ask Akira to send dinner here for today, I'd like to have it with my granddaughter', Misaki conveyed.

The young man standing on the right nodded and gave a slight bow as he made his way out of the house.

Misaki looked at her granddaughter and asked, ' So, will you tell me the reason why you've decided to suddenly meet me? '

Ino awkwardly nodded and took out her moms journal, ' I found my mother's journal to read but it's not readable to me and was wondering if you'd teach me how to make the tonics. '

Misaki was not convinced.

' I know it's too sudden but I have my Chunnin exams coming up, so I was wondering why not use some tonic as a weapon in the exam ', Ino added hesitating.

' So, you've really decided to become a Kunoichi, I presume ', Misaki questioned as she kept a teapot in the fire and added some herbs in it.

Ino nodded as she looked up at her grandmother.

' How's your Father? Is he looking after you well? ', Misaki interrogated as she stirred the teapot in the fireplace.

Ino was slightly taken aback, but came to her senses soon and nodded, ' Papa is really busy with all the missions but he tries to make up time for me whenever possible and also recommended that I visit you and learn the recipe from you. '

' Papa, I am trying to put in a good word for you to your mother in law, wish you'd have visited her sooner too ', Ino thought.

Misaki nodded as she poured herself and Ino a cup of herbal tea, she gave Ino her cup.

Ino smelled the aroma and was surprised it smelled sweet, she took a sip and was pleased by the sweetness, it had a fruity sweet smell.

' In case you're wondering, it's a Pomelo tea, it's not bitter at all and is good for cleansing your body especially your skin and lungs', Misaki concluded.

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