Untitled #2

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There is this terrifying ordeal of being known.
Scientists prod at me as I have been labeled a specimen. I yearn to be the fish that peruse through deep waters never to see the light of day. I don't handle the cold well.

The comfort of ambiguity is a blanket snatched too soon from a child, by his mother of street signs who cries of weaning.
I once was a child and I once was a mother.
I stroll through streets late at night screaming 'Look at Me' and I cannot forgive those who do. Peering eyes grate into my skin until theres nothing but a measly layer left. I so desperately want you to pull it back, I need you to Look Underneath. You will not like what you find. I am a hoax. We are a fraud

I pray we learn from atoms; I only exist when I am observed but that cannot stop me from existing on and as coinciding planes. I am a fire burning outside of our vision and I mean no harm. Feel my warmth and don't claim I burned you.
I am not all good and I am not all bad.

I will take your conundrum and I will chew it and spit it out into the mouths of your faithful.

Don't boil me down to a sticky sweet syrup. I Will Burn You like tar. We kid ourselves by asking for a way out. I kid myself pretending I am docile.
We are a hoax. I am a fraud

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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