Just In Sight

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"We're gettin' close. lads. l smell treasure a-waitin'. Where is it?" Silver asks as the group is lead to a cliff.

"l see nothing! One great big stinking hunk of nothing!" A pirate says angrily.

"What's going on Jimbo?" Silver asks angrily.

"l don't know. l can't get it open." Jim says holding the orb.

"We should've never followed this boy!" A pirate shouts.

"I'd suggest you get that gizmo going again and fast!" Silver shouts as the others shout angrily before Jim sees a hole in the ground and places the orb in it before a green map appears.

"Oh have mercy." Silver says as a large opening appears.

"The Lagoon Nebula?" Jim says.

"But that's halfway across the galaxy." Silver says as everyone looks in shock and amazement.

"A big door opening and closing. Let's see. Kinapis. Montressor spaceport. So that's how Flint did it. He used this portal to roam the universe stealing treasure." Jim says.

"But where'd he stash it all? Where's that blasted treasure?!" Silver shouts as he pushes Jim out of the way and begins looking for the treasure with the map.

"What if the whole planet is the mechanism... and the treasure is buried in the center of this planet?" Jim asks as Alexis, Dr. Doppler, and Amelia look at each other.

"And how in blue blazes are we supposed to get there?" Silver asks.

"Just open the right door." Jim says as he opens the right door revealing the treasure and begins to walk toward it.

"Wait for me! Wait for me! One of you take the other three back to the boat. We'll want to be ready to go." Silver says as Alexis, Amelia, and Dr. Doppler are taken away.


"Sounds like they found something." Alexis says as the group is in the boat as the area shakes some.

"All my life l dreamed of an adventure like this. l'm just sorry... l couldn't have been more helpful to you." Dr. Doppler says as Alexis and Amelia look at him.

"Oh don't be daft. You've been very helpful. Truly." Amelia says happily.

"l feel like such a useless weakling... with abnormally thin wrists. Excuse me, brutish pirate. Yes, you. l have a question. ls it that your body is too massive... for your teeny-tiny head... or is it that your head is too teeny-tiny... for your big fat body?" Dr. Doppler asks as he realizes his hands are free while standing up.

"l pummel you good!" The guard says as he picks Dr. Doppler up.

"Yes l'm sure you will but before you do... l have one more question. ls this yours?" Dr. Doppler asks as he holds a gun to the creature while smiling.

"Uhh..." The creature says nervously.

"Brilliant doctor." Alexis says happily.

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