Chapter 23: Death Awaits

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**** Hi my nakama~! Sorry for the long wait. We just had our tests and it really wore me out. But now, I'm back! Delivering you fresh packages of NaLu feels.. XD

My friend started watching Fairy Tail. He was hooked with the story! (I'm glad) Then he found out I was a supporter of NaLu, and he kept teasing me about NaLi. And then I was like, "NO FREAKING WAY!" Apparantly, he got amused and started saying 'NaLi' whenever he calls my attention. *sweardrops* And most of my friends (who also watches Fairy Tail), does the same thing to me! :(

Anyway, here's Chapter 23! Enjoy minna! :) ****

Scene: Amartus' Throne

POV: Amartus

"Finally, the Chosen Dragon Slayer... now in my grasps!" I exclaimed while looking at Natsu-kun, who was laying unconcious at a wooden plank. He was placed on an area where the bright moon could shine upon its light unto him.

"Now I just need that pesky Celestial Wizard's Power and my plan would be complete!"

Just then, Lisanna appeared right before me. "Master, our prisoner requests for something to eat. Shall I give her some?"

"Mufufu! Of course! We don't want out little princess starve to death wouldn't we?" I said energetically. As Lisanna was about to leave, a thought suddenly flickered in my head. "Wait! I'll be the one to give her the food. I want to get a glimpse of her sad... little face."

My servant nodded in agreement. I snapped my fingers and then a bowl of fruit with bread and cheese appeared. I quickly went down to the dungeon and called, "Luuuucy! Brought you dinner! I don't want my 'important tool' to starve to death now, wouldn't we?" I grimly said.

But when I arrived at her cell, I saw that it was empty. I quickly called Lisanna, but all I saw was someone hitting me something on the head. It made me feel woozy,but I didn't faint. I noticed two figures running past me. One that looks like a blond girl, and another white girl behind Lisanna's back. Wait... is that... Lisanna carrying Lisanna?

"You fools!! You can't escape from me!" I said, regaining my senses. I quickly followed them up the flight of stairs. I suddwnly came to a halt when I saw Lucy about to pull a lever. A lever that was absorbing all of Natsu's Dragon Slayer Power. I pleaded, "No. Wait. Stop! Don't..."

But she already did.

POV: Lucy's

I finally stopped the process...

The process of absorbing Natsu's power from getting into the dirty hands of that man...

But I felt something sting on my neck...

Then the surroundings got blurry...

I suddenly.. collapsed on the floor.

POV: Amartus'

When I looked again, I saw Lucy, fainted. I glanced to see who did it. It was my faithful servant, Lussuria, who used his Dart Magic on that girl to keep her from awakening.

"Good work Lussuria!" I said as I quickly pulled the lever again. "Now we have all the tools we need to begin the STARGAZER plan. Now, if you would..."

Lussuria nodded. Then he placed all the Golden Keys of Lucy Heartfilia into the machine which was going to be the key in unfolding our greatest diabolical plan ever...

The machine fired a laser that was aimed at the moon. Then the moon emitted a green light, shining it upon... The Magnolia City's Graveyard.

A bony hand emerged from one of its graves. And before you know it, a huge army of the undead began sprouting like daisies and started heading to the city.

"Mufufu!~ Yes my loyal armies! Attack Magnolia! Kill all the living! So that we may show them... who their true leader is!" I looked over to Natsu, Lucy and Lisanna, still unconcious. "And these pesky wizards couldn't do a thing about it!!"

As my laughter echoed through the hallway...

People's screams also echoed through the starless night.

-End of Chapter 23-

Love and Lucky (A Fairy Tail "NaLu" FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang