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All the 7th years are called back to Hogwarts for one final year. Draco had apologised to everyone, some people forgave him some still did'nt. The golden trio did and Draco and Harry are on civil terms. Draco still haven't told Harry about the feelings he harboured for him ever since first year, but things take a wrong turn when they have a lesson on Boggarts. 
Also Remus isn't dead in this one.

The 8th years entered their DADA class and took their seats. Their was a cupboard standing right in centre of the class. All of them recognised it from their 3rd year.

Their teacher, Remus Lupin, entered the class and found everyone staring at the cupboard. He smiled at the class before speaking.

"I guess you all have an idea of what our lesson toady will be. For those who don't understand, we will have a lesson on boggarts today. I know you've had this lesson once before but think of this as a recall." Remus told the class of 8th years.

"Now can someone tell me what a boggart is and what it looks like?" he asked.
Hermione's hand shot up in the air
"Miss Granger"
"A boggart is a magical being which is a shapeshifter. No one knows the true form of a boggart because it takes form of your worst fear and thus is different to everyone."

Remus smiled, satisfied by her answer and said "Correct, 5 points to Gryffindor. We all know the spell to defeat a boggart, but still let me remind you all. Its RIDIKULUS"
"RIDIKULUS" the class repeated.
"Good, so now lets face our fears. I'll call you one by one Ok?"

Everyone nodded and Remus gave them one last encouraging smile before he took his seat at the desk.
"Let's see Mr. Malfoy, why don't you go first?"

Harry turned around trying to find the mop of blonde hairs. His eyes landed on Draco sitting in the last bench. Harry watched him get up from his seat and walk to the front of the class. Malfoy's whole aura radiated confidence, his head held high as he walked with graceful steps.

"Are you ready?" Remus asked.
Draco tightened his grip on his wand and nodded at Lupin. A rattle from the cupboard diverted all their attention towards the front again. The whole class watched in anticipation thinking of all possible scary things that can come out of that cupboard, but no one had expected what actually came out of that cupboard. Everyone was shocked when Harry Potter walked out of the cupboard.

Harry limped out of the cupboard, bloody cuts present all over his body. His lip was busted open and there was a big wound on his stomach, left side of his cheeck had a fresh burn mark.

"P...Potter" Draco whispered, his whole body shaking, the wand held so tightly in his hands his knuckles were white.
The boggart Harry looked up and Draco almost felt his knees give up at the amount of hate he saw in those green eyes. Tears were welling up in his eyes, but no he can't cry, Malfoys don't cry, so he held back or atleast tried to.

"I should have never saved you from that fire Malfoy" whispered the boggart Harry, venom lacing the voice.
"Harry" Draco's voice was strangled, trying to keep the tears from falling.
"I should have never saved you from that fire Malfoy" this time the voice was louder and everyone heard it.
"You're the reason behind my state. I hate you, I hate you so much. My life would have been so much better if you did'nt exist. You should have just died."

Tears rolled down Draco's eyes, his whole body was shaking with surpressed sobs. He was crying and Malfoys don't cry but right now he did'nt feel like a Malfoy, he felt so helpless and guilty.

Remus was watching the whole story unfold slowly and, with growing dread, was realising his mistake. How could he forget that these weren't 13 year old kids anymore, they were survivors of a war and their greatest fears weren't giant spiders or snakes, but something much much dark. Well he could'nt be blamed either, the full moon was 2 days ago and he was still out of it.

He saw Draco's wand slip out of his hand and sprung to action. He came between Draco and the boggart.
"Ridikulus" he spat at the boggart and successfully trapped it in the cupboard again.
"Class dissmissed, everyone can leave" he instructed, Draco was the first one to run out of the class.
"I'll check on him" Harry told Ron and Hermione and ran behind Draco without waiting for an answer.

Draco was crying while holding the edge of the sink, Harry's words still ringing in his ears. His whole body was shaking and he felt like throwing up. 
Draco looked up, Harry was standing by the bathroom door.
"Get out of here Potter"
Draco had hoped there was some bite to his voice.
"Malfoy listen"
Harry tried moving forward.
Draco saw him in the mirror and tuned around sharply, wand held out in front of him.
"Can't you understand simple english Potter? Get out of here, don't make me hex you"

The scene was exactly like 6th year, when Harry had hit Draco with the sectunsempra. Harry felt a shiver go through him at the memory, Draco limp on the cold floor, covered in blood. No he won't let anything like that happen again.

"Draco please" he said.
Even in this situation Draco's mind registered that Harry called him by his first name. He turned back to the sink, still crying.
Harry stepped forward carefully. The distance between him and Draco felt neverending.

"Draco" he said again, closer now.
"Listen to me please" but Draco was'nt listening, he kept crying. Harry was behind Malfoy now and placed a hand on his shoulder.

And that was the breaking point, Draco broke down crying completely. Harry was shocked to see this. Draco Malfoy, the boy who was so strong and proud, was crying in front of him. But little did Harry knew that, behind that mask of Malfoy pride and that unnecessary arrogance and that perfect facade of confidence, Draco was still just a boy. A boy who was hurt and broken, who was scared and had no one to lean upon.
He wasted no time crouching in front of Draco and brigning him in a hug.

He rubbed soothing circles on Draco's back, and Draco just cried harder against his chest. Harry's shirt was soaked with tears but he didn't care. Harry can feel Draco sobbing against him and it was breaking his heart, he held onto him tighter, trying to comfort him.
Slowly but surely Draco was calming down.

"Harry?" Draco asked, voice barely above a whisper but Harry heard him. He hummed, something about how Draco called him by his first name had made his heart beat faster and he mused whether Draco can feel it.
Draco looked up from his chest and into his eyes.
"Do you regret saving me?''
Harry stared into those grey eyes, they held so much pain and desperation. His heart clenched at the sheer helplessness in those eyes.

"No" he said.
"I don't regret it one bit Draco, I'll do it over again if I have to. Even if I die while...."
but the sentence was cut short with a pair of lips on his own. The kiss, if you can even call it that, was so short that Harry was confused whether he dreamed of it. Draco backed away before he can even respond.

"Don't you dare complete that sentence Harry Potter"

Harry stared in Draco's eyes, they were like thunderstorms, so mesmerizing and beautiful. Harry's gaze then shifted to Draco's lips, they were pink and looked so soft. Without thinking twice Harry placed his hand on the back of Draco's neck and brough his lips in another kiss, this time longer. Draco's lips were indeed soft and it felt good kissing him.

After the initial shock Draco kissed back, pouring all the feeling he had supressed for the past years. Their lips fir togther like two pieces of a puzzle. Harry bit down on Draco's lower lips, a gasp leaving the latters mouth. He slipped his tounge inside Draco's mouth deepening the kiss even more, and God was it beautiful. It felt so good kissing Draco, the little noises he was making were driving Harry crazy.
He was out of breath but he never wanted the kiss to end.

They broke away anyway, and Draco looked in those green eyes again. They were shining, like pieces of emerald gemstones and held so many raw emotions that you can never put in words.

"I'll walk into thousands of fire if it means I'll have you by my side Draco. I love you, I really do" Harry said, voice full of sincierity.
"I love you too Harry" Draco whispered, eyes welling up again.
"You don't know how long I've waited to hear that sentence" Draco said.
"Well you'll be hearing it everyday from now on darling" Harry said smirking and kissed him again

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