Battle of Hogwarts

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The final battle of hogwarts but with a twist.

"Harry Potter is dead"
Draco froze upon hearing the words leave Voldemort's mouth. Harry Potter can't die, that boy cheated death when he was a little kid he can't die now.
He felt sick and dizzy at the sight of Harry's limp body being carried by Hagrid.
"No!No!" it was Ginny Weasley's voice who was trying to run towards the boy in Hagrid's arms but quickly stopped by the others.
"Silence stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead, from this day you put your faith in me. Harry potter is dead"
Voldemort laughed soon joined by Bellatrix. Draco felt his like his ears were going to bleed because of the shrill sound.
"And now is time to declare yourself" continued the dark lord "Come forward and join us or die"
No one moved, Draco's eyes still fixed at the boy remembering all their past rivelry. How he never got the chance to show his true feelings between all those
snarky insults and nasty fights, and then he heard his father calling his name.
"Draco" he called "Come" but Draco did'nt dare to move.
"Draco" the voice this time was soft and belonged to his mother "Come" and so Draco did. He walked forward to where his parents stood behind the Dark Lord,
but he stopped halfway and instead turned towards Hagrid.
With slow steps he made his way towards Harry, tears threatening to fall any moment.
"I'm sorry" he whispered finally breaking down in a fit of sobs. "I'm sorry for everything" he said taking a hold of Harry's hand, gently bringing it to his lips
and placed a shaky kiss on the back of his palm. "I'm so sorry"
"Draco, what are you doing, come over here?" Lucious said through gritted teeth but Draco stood rooted to his spot still holding Harry's hand and constantly whispering
'I'm Sorry'
"Draco" this time it was louder and Draco finally snapped.
"NO" he yelled "NO, I won't. You forced me in all this, you forced me to take the dark mark and kill my own headmaster, you took away everything I ever loved"
Draco looked at Harry sadly as he spoke the last sentence, then roughly wiped the tears brimming his eyes.
"I am not joining you or him"

"You're defying me Draco, are you aware of the consequences?"
"I'm well aware of everything, I'm not a child"
"Very well then be prepared for what's to come" Voldemort then turned towards the crowd of Hogwarts students "Anyone else?"
Neville stepped forward, "Well I'll have to say I expected better"
Draaco looked at Neville shocked "What are you doing Longbottom?" he asked while walking towards him.
"Shut up Malfoy I know what I'm doing" spat Neville.
"I'll have to say this boy is wiser than you Draco" said Voldemort and Draco turned his gaze towards the ground with disgust.
"I would like to say something"
"Go ahead boy, we all will be fascinated to hear what you have to say"

Neville looked at Harry before turning back and looking at Voldemort again.
"It does'nt matter that Harry's gone"
Draco's head snapped up in shock as he stared at Neville and so did everyone else.
"People die every day. Friends. Family.
Yeah we lost Harry tonight. He's still with us in here tonight.
So's Fred,Remus,Tonks, all of them. They didn't die in vain.
but you'll 'cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us!
It's not over"
Draco stared in fascination as Neville pulled out the Gryfindor sword from the hat. This was a very new Longbottom, brave and strong.
No this was'nt Longbottom this was Neville the real Neville.
Draco clutched his wand tigther. Neville was right, Harry did'nt die in vain, he will fight till his last breath to erase the threat of Voldemort from the world.

He was ready to point his wand at the Dark Lord when something unexpected happened. He saw Harry's body move.
'Is this a dream?What's happening?' but all his doubts were put at bay when Harry jumped down from Hagrid's arm. Everyone was shocked to say at least
but Hogwarts was relived while the death eaters looked like they were hit by lightening bolt.
Draco quickly overcame his shock and yelled "HARRY" throwing him his wand.
Harry caught it just as quickly and turned to Nagini

After the battle

Harry watched as Voldemort was slowly reduced to dust. The war was finally over.
He turned around and saw everyone running towards him, Prof. MacGongal at the very front. She reached him first.
"Are you ok?" she asked holding his face with shaky hands and Harry nodded weakly. "Oh! my dear" she whispered and brought down his face to kiss his forehead.
Hermione was the second to embrace his alongside Ron, both of them crying while holding him close and then came everyone else. They hugged him, patted his back and
ruffled his hair, but one person stood far away in the back.
Draco Malfoy just stared at Harry and after some time he finally noticed. The smile was wiped off his face as soon as they locked eyes and Harry walked towards him.
Draco felt his legs automatically move forward as he drew closer to the boy who lived twice. When close enough he raised his hands to touch Harry as if to make sure
this was real, that he was'nt dreaming, that Harry was actually alive and it wasn't just his mind trying to play some sick trick.
Tears fell from his eyes as he carassed Harry's left cheeck, Harry was looking at him with such raw emotions that he felt overwhelmed. When he was unable to hold the gaze any longer he grabbed Harry's collar and pulled him in a kiss. And Draco vaguely remembered everyone watching him and heard some cheers but it didn't matter.
He knew many things have gone wrong, he needed to apologise, he needed to sort things out but nothing mattered in that moment.
In that moment he did'nt care about the mistakes or the apologies or even the people in the background, all he cared about was the green eyed boy who he was kissing.
He was kissing Harry and Harry was kissing him back and oh! it was as perfect as it could possibly get.

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