More curses

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Rumpelstiltskin is giving us a run down on what's going to happen when maniko creates a new curse. After Emma had to explain why and how maniko and Henry switched bodies.

"The only person who can get rid of the curse is the one who made it in the first place, which is Regina" Rumple explained

"But how did- oh my god! Regina you led her into you're vault?!" I had my hand over my chest as if she offended me. "I thought she was Henry" she crossed her arms

"The only way to switch them back is to get the dark wand used for dark magic, it's possession lies with mother superior" Rumple continued.

"Alright, we'll go in teams so one team is going to go to Mr, gold's shop to keep Henry safe, and the other will go find that wand before Peter's shadow" I told everyone

Gold's shop: Henry, Emma, Snow, Rumple, Regina, Felix
Dark wand: David, Hook, Pan, y/n, Tink, Neal

After we split off we went to go to mother superiors church (old Astro: I think it was a church)

"Sorry to interrupt" we erupted into the church "you're not supposed to be here-" I cut her off "we know we're in a hurry! We need the dark wand, We know it's dangerous but we need it"

"But why-" she was cut off by the shadow flying in "Ok no time you have to get out of here" I ushered them out of the church so they don't get hurt

"Take cover" we all hid behind a bench "how are we supposed to get it now!" I asked as the shadow was practically taunting us

"Tink, you still have that pixie dust?" David asked "yes but it doesn't work" she replied "it doesn't work because you don't believe in yourself! You don't believe that we can do this! But let me tell you, you can, just believe" she nodded her head before standing up and popping off the cork of the small vile.

After she captured the shadow she threw it in the fire making it burn. "Well, looks who's still a fairy" Hook complimented

"And look who's still a pirate" all of a sudden we heard blue "Wait you were-" we all looked stunned

"Gone, well once you got ride of the shadow mine was revived" she finished

After getting the wand

"We got it!" David announced "good I'm ready to be in my own body, is this how you girls feel?" Us woman looked at Henry, then we started to laugh "you don't even know the half of it" I smiled

"Alright, lay down and keep your eyes on the wand" Rumple took the wand and waved it around, Henry followed it until his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"It worked" Regina exclaimed "Alright let's go find him"

They all started to walk out of shop "you guys go ahead I'm going to talk to maniko when she wakes up" I sat down in a chair everyone had left to look for Henry even Peter well I told him to go.

Maniko had finally woken up, "I thought you would have killed me by now" she sat up, I walked over towards her "Well I don't kill people like you do" I glared

"Fair enough, but explain to me on why you put this cuff on me?" She tilted her head "so you don't kill me duh!" I sat back down "well next time don't use the cuff that I made" she took the cuff off with ease and put it on my wrist

"Wow your so pathetic I could cry" she mocked as she slapped me "Well see you later, lass" she then walked off

I knew I couldn't get the cuff off myself but my wolf form can, after I got it off I transformed back and ran out of the shop.

I saw that she had frozen everyone, they could still blink they just can't move or talk. "Maniko get your ass away from my family!" I held out my hand

"What is this some party trick?" She asked

"No not really. Well not this time anyway" I shrugged as I stood in front of her

"Before I do something I'm totally going to regret let me just.." I put my hand in the air and my shadow brought me my bow and arrows "bow and arrows seriously?"

"Oh not just any bow and arrow, the one you gave me" I took a arrow out of the holder "it doesn't miss, and once I aim it shoots two people one being you... And the other me" I turned my head towards everyone

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys, I tried keeping a straight and happy face!" I could tell they were sad especially Peter

(! Cringe !)

"This is not good bye, I know Emma will save me. But in case she can't, Emma I love you so much! Even if we only got to know each other for a little bit" I had tears streaming down my face

"Snow, charming, you guys are the best parents in the world! Peter, I will always love you just try not to get on anyone's bad side and push them to kill you haha, Neal, I'm thankful you treated my sister like she was a queen! Like all men should. Rumple oh my god your the best evil grandfather ever! And I love you and belle together so don't lose her she's a keeper for sure. Henry, you are my amazing light I wish I could sing you my lullabies it was in my head and I came up with more. Hook, if you ever get a chance with Emma treat her well, I don't want my sister to put her walls up because of some stupid guy. Regina, your amazing auntie and if you could move I would probably give you a thousand hugs!" I gave them all a kiss on the forehead

"I wish I knew what it was like to be loved even more but I guess my times up. My last thing I want to say is, I love you guys, this is an amazing family tree" I smiled, I then aimed my bow and arrow towards maniko's head

"I'm sorry, forgive me, be happy all of you!" I then shot the arrow

Once the arrow went through maniko's head everyone was able to move, I gave them one last smile before the arrow went through my heart.

"NO!" Peter ran towards me before I hit the ground "You can't leave me you have to stay Come on!" Emma ran over towards us, she tried using her magic

"Everyone come here" I whispered they all walked over and gave me a group hug "this is my family and I love it, I will look over you guys, keep.... My.... Spirit... Aliv....e" my voice then faded and my heart had stopped

(Old Astro: What actually happened was)
(Astro: kill me now...)

"Oh not just any bow and arrow, the one you gave me" I took a arrow out of the holder "it doesn't miss, and once I aim it, it will be game over" after awhile of getting my aim right

I finally shot her, after she fell to the ground everyone came free of the spell. Her body then disappeared

"Well that's one way to get rid of her" Emma commented "here Regina" I hand her the curse

After she passed out. "Regina you ok?" Emma helped her up to her feet "yeah, I just saw what needs to be done"

~At the town line~

"promise you'll find a way to get my memories back" I put my forehead on Peter's "of course I shall" he responded as he cupped my cheeks

"I'm giving you a gift, for you three to be happy and live out your future." Regina held our hands "now it's time"

After we hugged everyone before the curse came to close, Me, Henry, and Emma got in the car

Once Regina placed the curse the car started moving, I saw everyone being engulfed by the curse once we crossed over my memories were gone, and it seemed like a normal Saturday.

"How'd your trip go?" Emma asked me "Oh it was fine" I replied

(Astro: Finally it's over god damn...)

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