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Sorry I know I haven't updated but I've been busy and wanted you guys to wait ;)

also it's gonna be kinda short , sorry 

but it explains some things too 


Payu's POV 

The first thing payu saw was this man kiss his rain

the man smiled at him and said " if you want rain back we want sky .....

the color drained from Payu's face 

we'll give you until tomorrow night to bring sky if you don't you won't ever hear or see rain again 

payu didn't know what to do the call ended "sky come over here I need to talk to you alone 

sky ran over to the corner payu was standing in what's wrong what did they say 

they-they won't give us rain unless we give them you 

sky look scared 

Sky: okay we i'll go through with it for rain 

Payu: Sky 

Sky: yeah 

Payu: what did you mean when you said rain can't have sexual intercourse 

Sky: ummm well I tell you since rain seems to care about you 

after rain got kidnapped we went to the hospital and they said he has this rare condition ......


Rain's POV

Stop sat me up 

*thank god that drug wore off now he could think clearly* rain thought 

Stop: baby we need to talk 

when rain didn't say anything he kept talking 

Stop: I know that you feel bad about the baby soo I decided we're gonna make a new baby 

All rain could feel was fear and betrayal 


Payu's POV

Payu: okay ?

sky looked down: I promised him I would tell no-one and I haven't but .. I tell you but promise me right now that you'll tell no-one about this 

Payu: I promise 

Sky: rain has a condition where he was born with a womb meaning when he was born his parents chose to have a boy but they never took out the womb, after a week rain found out he was pregnant ... he cried so much because he didn't know what to do. He didn't want the baby by someone who raped him but he also did because the baby was part of him. 

sky sighed : Rain went through too much , much more than anyone should bare , you don't even know how many times I stayed at his house and begged hm crying not to leave me or even try to leave me. 

Sky: I was so scared that with everything that happened he would try to kill himself he just gave up on life and during that time I really needed him whether he knew or not I did.  

Payu , Venice ?Where stories live. Discover now