Saving rain

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Payu: I met rain before but he didn't speak to me when I tried to talk to him and after I started to admire him so I created an Instagram but with my real name Venice and started to talk to rain a couple of weeks ago I got logged out and couldn't get back in. I'm Venice not whoever was talking to him

Sky: wait you're venice

Sky: oh no oh god Stop's been planning this with someone

Payu: why do you say that?

Sky: listen stop could never plan anything he was worse that rain when it came to thinking

Sky : Payu we have to hurry , you don't understand rain has a condition and he can't have sexual intercourse

Payu: lets go

Rain's POV 

I heard stop leave awhile ago , I tried to gain the strength to try and leave but my body felt weak and wouldn't move 

As I looked to the left slowly I saw my phone I tried to reach for it but my other hand was still tied to the bed 

As I almost reached my phone everything went black 

Stop's Pov 

rain~ how do you feel baby 

rain: I feel fine 

the drug finally set into rain's blood, I won't let anyone take him from me ever again 

Stop : are you ready to eat 

Rain: no I'm not hungry yet

okay then let's do something fun stop said as he started kissing rain's lips 

Rain pulls stop closer and stop lays rain on the bed taking off his shirt

(a/n that's all ur gonna get cause i'm gonna cry writing this :(  )

an hour later 

stop and rain are laying down on the bed 

and stop's phone rings 

rain gets a glimpse of the contact 

Payu's POV 

Payu hasn't be able to sleep it's gotta so bad that sky and pai even moved in to make sure h wouldn't hurt himself 

Of course sky and pai were still worried about rain they sat on the couch trying to think of what to do 

Payu: pai I think we should call our parents 

(sky hasn't met pai's parents yet)

Pai: It might cause more harm for rain

Payu: well what other choice do we have 

Payu calls his pa 

Pa pete : hello Venice ?

Payu: yeah umm pa I need your help and dad's 

Pa pete: what's wrong

Payu: Rain was kidnapped by someone a few days ago and we can't find him nor have they called for anything 

Pa Pete: okay come over quickly with your things 

Payu hung up the call when he got a Unknown number 


The first thing payu saw was this man kiss his rain 

the man smiled at him and said " if you want rain back we want sky .....


Sorry it's so short but I gotta leave you on a cliffhanger 

I'm literally crying my eyes out because my poor rain has been kidnapped

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