chapter 9

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It was another hour before the group were unexpectedly interrupted. The knocking at the door seemed to echo through the house, and everyone faltered. 

“Who could that be at this time?” Marie asked, frowning and getting up to answer it. 

The men waited in silence, straining slightly to hear the muffled voices talking. 

Marie reappeared a moment later with a man trailing behind her. 

Before he’d even had a moment to process anything about the man, Theodore was mirroring William, shooting to his feet and standing rigid, back straight and staring straight ahead. 

“At ease, both of you. You’re not on duty, no need for formalities.” The man said, standing in front of them. He tilted his head a little, observing Theodore. “I didn’t know you had a brother, Havers.”

“I don’t, sir.” William replied. “This is Private Theodore Everett. He’s also enlisted here in London. We’ve been friends since childhood and only recently got back in contact after the war ended.”

“Ah, the paper rationing, I’m assuming?” 

“Yes, sir.”

“Good to meet you, Private.” The man said. He held his hand out for Theodore to shake. “Captain Eakley, Havers’ CO.” 

“Pleasure to meet you, sir.” Theodore replied. 

“I’m sorry to disrupt your evening,” Eakley said to the room.

“It’s not a problem at all, Captain.” Joseph said. “Can we get you anything? Tea? Coffee?”

“I’m afraid its not a social call. I’m here because Havers has not been at base all day and therefore not received the news.”

“What news?” Havers asked, a hint of worry in his voice. “What’s happened? Is everything okay?”

“Your planned deployment to Ireland has been brought forward. You will be leaving tomorrow morning at 1100 hours.” 

Havers was deathly silent for a moment. “Thank you, sir.”

“Not too late back tonight. You’ll be having a busy day tomorrow.”

“Yes, of course.” 

“Thank you very much for your hospitality.” Eakley said, addressing the room once again. “Apologies again for disrupting your evening.” 

With that, he left. 

Things remained silent for a second before William broke the silence. 

“I suppose I should leave so I can start packing.” He said softly.

“Will -” Theodore started. 

“Walk with me?” William asked. 

Theodore nodded, understanding that it was probably too much for him to process right now. William probably didn’t want to talk about it immediately. 

The two of them went in search of their shoes and had a brief goodbye with Havers’ parents before setting out back to William’s base.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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