part five

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When Theodore’s mother knocked on his door and poked her head into his room, the look on her face told him all he need to know. 

Something awful had happened. 

“Can we talk to you for a moment, sweetheart?” She asked. “Downstairs?”

“What’s wrong?” Theodore asked. 

Estella didn’t answer for a moment. “Come downstairs, this is something your father and I want to tell you together.” 

Theodore was hesitant but followed his mother downstairs regardless. His father was at the dining room table, his eyes firmly focused on the wood underneath his hands. 

“Dad? What’s going on?” Theodore asked. 

Michael looked up at his son. “You’ve been listening in on the radio at night, haven’t you?”

Theodore was reluctant to answer. He weighed up his options, unsure whether to be honest, as his parents always encouraged him to be or lie to avoid possible punishment. 

He supposed there was an extra risk if he tried to lie and his father somehow proved it. 

“Yes.” He eventually replied. 

“So you know that things are quite serious abroad at the moment? And that your brother is over there fighting for his country?” Michael continued. Theodore nodded. "Well, there may come a day that people have to fight for their country, regardless of whether they want to or not. It's something your mother and I have been discussing, and we both agree that it's better to volunteer rather than to be forced."

"What do you mean?" 

"Your father is joining the Royal Air Force," Estella said softly. "He was part of it when we were in our late twenties before you were born. Sam might remember, but it was a long time ago."

"You're going to be a pilot?" Theodore asked, a small glimmer of excitement in his chest. He hadn't known that his father had anything to do with the services. 

"Navigator." Michael corrected. "But yes, I imagine I shall be back in a plane. I got back in contact with my old base and I've been approved for service. I've done my medical. Regulations have probably changed a bit in the last fifteen years, but the training period won't be very long."

"So you've been thinking about this for a long time if you've already done your medical," Theodore said. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"Because it's a very serious decision," Estella said. "It does mean, however, that we would have to move closer to your father's old base in Yorkshire." 

"Yorkshire? Why can't we stay where we are? There are bases near us. We have to be here. My school, my friends, they're all here." Theodore said. 

"There are plenty of families with children your age that will be living on base up there. You'll make friends soon enough." Michael said. "And your grandparents live up there, too. It'll be a nice change of scenery and a chance to do something for the greater good."

"Will we move back once everything is over?" 

Michael and Estella exchanged a glance and Theodore's heart dropped into his stomach.

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