kinnporsche (side Story)

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hey guys so i want to write something for kinnporsche too even through vegaspete are my fav i like kinnporsche also

because of the issue which is going on with build and author i didn't want to write anything but i just want to distract me and audience from this chapter which is related to kinn porsche 

let's just enjoy this for this one moment 

Soo the story start when arm take Porsche to main mansion and inform big about it while, big is there with kinn in auction 

kinnporsche (side Story)


i am constrated to auction to compete with Vegas bur for my surprise he has disappear in the middle of auction 

I get worried when I notice Porsche is not in his position suddenly I shifted my eyes towards Pete to ask him where is Porsche but for my surprise even pete is not in his position, I wait for sometime knowing they might have go for a smoke break they usually do this. but then they didn't return for a long time and I am feeling anxious now 

after all this auction thing end, big come to me and tell me what actually happen and after listening him i feel my hand turn into a fist, i am angry actually i am feeling something which is not just the emotion of anger i want to know who drug Porsche but now my priority is to reach home as soon as possible 

even through arm reported that porsche is now okay and just laying in his bed still i feel a need to see him from my own eyes as soon as possible 

i order big to sit in another car and follow my car because i know i will drive in full speed just to went home i don't want to be late just by a second that's why i drive my car at full speed and as soon as i stepped in main mansion i run to go to porsche room, actually it's porsche and pete room they share the room, 

i dont know how pete is gonna judge me because i have never been in bodyguard quater before so i know pete is gonna have a heart attack by seeing me but i don't really care about all this .for now my priority is Porsche over everything 

now I am standing in the front of porsche room i see from the door that the light's is still on but they are really dim i think only the table lamp is on which is in the side table of bed. i don't know what i am goona say to porsche and pete and how am i gonna react in front of then specially after seeing porsche. i am going to knock the door but i realise that door is not locked i peck into the room for my surprise  pete is not there porsche is lying on his bed. he is not asleep yet and just staring at the celling of the roof, this hurt my heart porsche is bold and strong but at this moment he look like he is soo week soo pathetic i cannot see him like this although i am still faming in anger but there is another feeling who is overtaking over me. my head say to leave porsche after seeing that he is fine physically but my heart well my heart want to stay with him hold him but somehow i manage to listen my head and closed the door. even through porsche is a bodyguard and should have alerted but at what condition he was he didn't even notice my presence. now the door is close again but i am still standing in front of his gate not knowing why my feet is not working why i am not going back to room i am still there, i don't  know why but my heart is just saying one thing what if he needs you and you are not here 

i sit beside the door. my back resting on the door, i know it's quite abnormal to a mafia boos to just sit in the front of a bodyguard room but i know it's quite late already and no one is gonna come soo i just sit there, i don't know  when i  fall asleep. 


i am lying on my Bed for don't know  how long  but i came to my sense when i  hear pete voice and then i realise it's morning already i didn't get any sleep, i hear pete he is waking someone up maybe i hear khun kinn but why he will be here, i just get up from my bed and open the door suddenly khun kinn fall on our gate i get socked he suddenly wake up and looked at me with worried eyes, 

me and pete are staring to him with confuse eyes, he stand up and see pete outside the door it's look like suddenly he come back to reality, i don't know why he is  here in this position, 

pete step ahead and ask khun kinn if he need something and have some work but he declined, suddenly his step near me closing the distance between him and me and ask only one thing 

Are you okay ?

i see the concern in his eyes, he is worried about me but not like just a boss, there is something in his eyes which is telling me he really want an honest answer of his question and i fulfill it 

No i am not but better from yesterday

he just nodded and then turn his head to pete and ask 

Khun Kinn : where have you been all night pete 

Pete: sorry khun kinn i didn't inform you about me staying in the room in which we found porsche i am waiting for the person who drug porsche but for my surprise no one appears 

Khun Kinn : how is this possible pete, did you ask the receptionist on which name the room is booked 

Pete : yes khun kinn i asked it but it is booked by a fake name. so we really didn't get any information, but don't worry i am investigating it 

Khun kinn just nodd any took a last glance at me before lefting the room 

pete hugged me tightly after khun kinn leave he asks me so many time that if i am really better 

i answer him that i am really fine now, just need some time 

pete also tell me when he come here khun kinn is sleeping beside our door 

i dont really get it why he is here setting by the door, is it not safe for the heir of a mafia family  to sleep here without any bodyguard, there is something in me who want to know what khun kinn think about me  


Thank you soo much guys for supporting me and understanding me, i am still sad and depressed over everything and after BOC Annoucement it's getting worst how can they solve any issue in youtube live dude this is a personal matter which should be solve privately or legally not in a live in the youtube channel 

BOC is the worst company i have ever seen, they didn't even know how to work , not know how to defend there actors , how to solve the issue, even their director i feel he is some kind of shit he literally follow actors everywhere i don't know why and even act like he is an actor. the thing privacy is really something which company should provide to the actor but BOC is worst now they will earn from youtube by coming live about a personal topic 

i don't how the author agree on this she is literally crying that build assult him and even she lost her baby because of build but dude i really don't understand how is this even possible 

at one time she say build always ask money from her it means she is in the power in their relationship because build is depended on her and then another moment she say that she lost the baby because of Build if she is the power how can build force him for child she is in the power she can force build to accept the child but she herself didn't do this at that time if she didn't want to lost the child she can take a action legally at that particularly time and can save her child but she did nothing and now she suddenly come up with so many accused 

i really didn't trust this girl, i trust build more but i am gonna say honestly i am not trusting build fully this time because somehow he is involve with author he is in a relationship with author so i cannot defand him fully because as we know sometime people pretend to be good 

but yaaa i hate BOC for doing it all in the live if this live go wrong i am literally just gonna DROP watching BOC Any show or series 

it look like BOC only want to get the profit no matter what is the processs

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