Chapter 6- Growing Up

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The clashing of the swords and grunts of the Keepers were the only things that were making noise.

"Damn, Lauryn wasn't joking when she said she upgraded these dummies. They can fight like Megan now." Robyn joked. Megan scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, now they be looking like you." The others laughed while Robyn sucked her teeth.

They were 18 now, well except Beyonce and Onika. A lot has happened for the keepers for the past nine years.

Megan spends a lot of time in the Realm of Passion, trying to learn the flow of the realm that she was going to be protecting.

Robyn spends a lot of time with her friends from her realm. She grew to be a pothead, but Lauryn didn't mind. She knew the pressure that the girl was under. But she does make sure that Robyn wouldn't go too far.

Ariana, she grew up to be so kind and selfless. Too kind and selfless, as Onika likes to say. And oh! Ariana was the only one who wasn't a homosexual. Or that's what she claims.

Amala goes to her realm whenever her mom needs her. Or when Lauryn tells her to go. She's also in a relationship with a girl from Onika's realm. They're all very supportive of their relationship.

Beyonce. Oh where to be start with her. Beyonce on the other hand, isn't sure of her sexuality. She dated girls and boys left and right. But still, she claimed to have 'no label'. She grew up to be very talented. They all were in their own ways, but Beyonce. She can do everything which amazes many people. She can do music, dancing, acting, and being a keeper-to-be.

Onika. She still had that crush on Beyonce. Even if she has no idea why. She grew to be a very introverted, apathetic young woman. Like the name of her assigned realm to keep. Lauryn always feared this was going to happen. Onika can't make up a good coping mechanism to save her life. And to make matters worse, the coping mechanism she chose was apathy and disassociation. To everything and everyone. It hurt Beyonce to see her childhood best friend like this.

The other keeper, she was not born in Planet Azoff. The last keeper, the keeper of the Realm Of Vulnerability.



"Lani! Hey Lans. Wake up bro." Kehlani heard as the light flooded her eyes and the voice of her room mate, Kiana, flooded her ears.

"Girl you gon' wake up or be late. I don't care it's your life anyway." She put her hands up, giving up on waking her room mate up. "I'm awake, I'm awake." She smiled up at her and stretched. Damn my neck hurts. She thought as she was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. She did her hygienic and skin care routine before changing, making a sandwich and skate boarding to class. She knows other students hate dorms, but she personally loved the concept of it. And she felt safer in her dorm than she ever felt in her 'home'. If you can even call it that.

She got to her first class just in time and sat with her friends.

"Oh hey there she isssss!" her best friend, Kiana, said. Kehlani smiled bright. She sat beside her and brought out her note book.


"Okay, Lani, you got this." She whispered to herself. Focusing on the mirror in front of her. Bird. Bird. Bird. She repeatedly said in her head. She had the power of shapeshifting. She closed her eyes. Happy thoughts. She reminded herself.

Her powers worked best when she was in a happy mood. Thinking happy thoughts. She was glad she had to come back to school.

Kehlani did not grow up in a normal household. After her father died from the accident, her mother fell into depression. And fell victim to drugs and alcohol. She blamed Kehlani for her husband's death.

She'd hurt her and starve her, even when she was just a child. None of her other family knew this, because after she was born, her mother moved them.

But in present time, Kehlani is an aspiring singer. In UC Berkeley. Her and her best friend Kiana, they're in a band together. And she loves that girl withe her whole heart. She doesn't know about her powers though. She has always been scared that if she knew, she'd leave in a blink of an eye.



Onika sighs as she makes her way to the streets of her home realm. Where she was born but didn't grow up in. She drove to grave where her biological mother was buried.

When Lauryn talked to her about her mother for the first time, she was heartbroken. She'd made Lauryn promise to take her there every month, to get to talk to her mom. Now, she can drive herself there. And she goes less often than she used to. You can't really blame her.

The cobblestones clash with her six inch heels as she makes her way to her mother's grave. It was a fairly good day, sunny and not much clouds.

"Hey momma." The first thing that comes out of her mouth. She sit's on the grass and picks out some that are growing on her headstone. She lays the flowers down in front of it. Tears flood her eyes. She lets them stroll down her face, she rarely let them do. But she did today, as no one was around to see her. In such a vulnerable state. So weak. She thought.

"I'm sorry I haven't come in so long. It's just that things have been crazy, you know? We have training and stuff. You know, the usual. I know that it comes with being a keeper, but I'm just so over it." She sniffled as she spoke. Onika hoped her mother could hear her.

"And I still, can't move on, for the love of good, from Beyonce. God, I'm so stupid. I already know that she doesn't love me the way I do her. And I've been pushing her away again, and I just know she'll confront me again- and ugh!" She was rambling. "I'm rambling I'm sorry. I wish I can talk to someone about this but you're the only one who won't give me a response and tell me how stupid I'm being." A smile makes its way to her face and she laughs.

But another wave of frustration and sadness overcomes her. "And being a keeper has been so hard. Training, and not just to fight, but to speak in interviews! Crazy, right? Interviews!"She shook her head in disbelief and sucked her teeth.

"Don't get me wrong, I know Lauryn just wants to teach us and make sure we don't make embarrassments out of ourselves but-"

Her phone dings and she sees it's Lauryn asking where she was. She replied that she was in the realm to visit her mom and that she'll be home soon.

"I love you mom, thanks for listening. I'll try to come here more often." She puts her forehead against the cold stone and stands up. Blowing air out of her in doing so, preparing to go back to her myriads of responsibilities.



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Were you surprised to learn that Kehlani was the last keeper? What are your thoughts?

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